to pull, to draw to smoke (tobacco) 11 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Azerbaijani
lexeme çәk-
meaning 1 to pull
meaning 2 to smoke
reference ARRAL: 60
comment Cf. Tur. kabak çek- 'to smoke hashish'. ТуРС 177.
NEW Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Batsbi
lexeme ebc̣ar, ep̣c̣ar
meaning 1 to pull, to draw
meaning 2 to smoke (tobacco)
reference Mikeladze, Gigashvili 2012: 279
comment Also oc̣ar (Bertlani (ed.) 2013, 220)
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language English
lexeme drag
meaning 1 to pull, to draw Drag the chair over here so I can stand on it.
Подтащи сюда стул, чтобы я мог на него встать.
meaning 2 to draw in, to inhale He lit one cigarette from the butt of another and dragged at it nervously.
Он прикурил одну сигарету от другой и нервно затянулся.
NEW Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Hill Mari
lexeme шыпшаш
meaning 1 to pull, to draw
meaning 2 to smoke (tobacco)
reference Savatkova 2008
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Ingush
lexeme oza
meaning 1 to pull
meaning 2 to smoke
comment (Kurkiev 2004: 328)
NEW Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Kubachi
lexeme битIичIи
meaning 1 to pull, to draw
meaning 2 to smoke (tobacco)
reference Magomedov, Saidov-Akkutta 2017: 95
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Polysemy
language Mongolian (Khalkha)
lexeme tatah
meaning 1 to pull
meaning 2 to smoke тамхи татах
to smoke (lit. To pull tobacco)
ACCEPTED Realization 8
type Derivation
language Russian
lexeme 1 tjanut'
lexeme 2 zatjagivat'sja
meaning 1 to pull, to draw
meaning 2 to inhale нервно затянулся.
he drew down nervously
ACCEPTED Realization 9
type Polysemy
language Swahili
lexeme vuta
meaning 1 to pull, to draw, to drag vuta kamba, vuta motakaa
to pull a rope, to tow a car
meaning 2 to draw in vuta kiko (sigara)
to smoke a pipe
comment Polikanov
ACCEPTED Realization 10
type Polysemy
language Tabassaran
lexeme zigub
meaning 1 to pull
meaning 2 to smoke папрус зигуб
to smoke a cigarette
comment (TabRus 169)
ACCEPTED Realization 11
type Polysemy
language Tuvan
lexeme тырт-
meaning 1 to pull
meaning 2 to smoke 1) таакпы тыртар;
1) to smoke tobacco; 2) to smoke rustic tobacco
comment Cf also Kumyk., Yak. тарт- 'to pull, to smoke'. ЯРС 377.