#3850 talkative person hatched egg without embryo 4 realizations
NEW Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Komi
lexeme болтун
meaning 1 talkative person
meaning 2 hatched egg without embryo
reference Beznosikova et al. 2000
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme болтун
meaning 1 talkative person Он большой болтун
He is a big talker
meaning 2 hatched egg without embryo Если яиц много, то почти всегда бывает один или два «болтуна»: так называется яйцо, в котором не образовался утенок. (Сергей Аксаков, «Записки ружейного охотника Оренбургской губернии»)
If there are many eggs, almost always there is one or two talkers: this is the name of the egg in which the duckling was not formed. (Sergey Aksakov, Notes of a Hunter in Orenburg Province)
reference BAS: 1, 554-556
comment derived from verb болтать 'to stir, to shake up liquid' and 'to chatter'
NEW Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Udmurt
lexeme тӧлпуз
meaning 1 talkative person
meaning 2 hatched egg without embryo
reference Kirillova 2008
comment Semantic borrowing from Russian is quite possible. Kirillova 2008 calls second meaning 'talker' figurative.
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Derivation
language Veps
lexeme 1 buu̯tušk
lexeme 2 buu̯tuškmuna
meaning 1 talkative person
meaning 2 hatched egg without embryo
reference Zajceva, Mullonen 1972: 53