to come, arrive to understand 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Derivation
language Hungarian
lexeme 1 jön
lexeme 2 rájön
meaning 1 to come

Jössz-e már?

Are you coming or not?

meaning 2 to understand, to realize

Rájön a helyes megoldásra; rájön, hogy mit kell tennie. Rájött, hogy ez így tovább nem mehet. 

(S)he finds the right solution; he realizes what he has to do. He realized it couldn't go on like this. 

reference MEK 1978
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme доходить
meaning 1 to come Письмо из центра не дошло до Штирлица
The letter from the center did not reach Stirlitz
meaning 2 to understand Stirlitz did not understand the letter from the center, although he read it twice
reference BAS: 3, 1069
comment Second meaning is colloquial. Mokienko, Nikitina 2000