blood vessel spring, fountain 1 realization
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Soqotri
lexeme ŝeb
meaning 1 blood vessel ḳálaʕk óʔoz... ʕaṭáf ɛ́gidk tos be-ʔóʔoben di-ŝɔb ʕaf teḳáṭab óʔoben mes ŝérhi wa-ŝeyob (CSOL II 1:165 (comments)

I threw little stones at a goat ... until I hit it with a stones at its leg and the stone cut its skin and its sinews.

meaning 2 spring, fountain rího di-díbeni minmáleḥ ḥeb ke-més ŝíʔob il-rího min gírgeh (Müller 1905:272:4–5)

The water of Dibeni is salted, although the springs of the water are in Girgeh....

reference CSOL II: 53, 604