envious passionate, zealous 1 realization
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Geez
Lexeme ḳanʔa
Meaning 1 to be envious wa-ʔaṭraya ʔabāgəʕa wa-ʔalhəmta wa-garāwəha bəzuḫa wa-ḳanʔu lāʕlehu sabʔa fələsṭəʔem ‘He came to possess sheep and cows and many fields, and the people of Philistine started to envy him’ (Gen. 26:14 apud LLA 445)
Meaning 2 to be zealous, be eager ʔəsma ḳanʔa la-ʔamlāku wa-ʔastasraya la-daḳiḳa ʔəsrāʔel ‘because he was zealous for the honor of his God and made atonement for the Israelites’ (Num. 25:13 apud LLA 445); ḳanāʔku lāʕla ʔiyarusālem ʕabiya ḳənʔata (Zach. 1:14 apud LLA 445) ‘I am very jealous for Jerusalem’
Reference LGz.: 433
Comment Cf. LLA 445