10 realizations
Related shifts
ID | Meaning 1 | Direction | Meaning 2 |
ACCEPTED Realization 1 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Abaza | |
lexeme | martan | |
meaning 1 | basket | |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | beehive | |
reference | Tugov 1967 | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 2 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Aghul | |
lexeme | тIак | |
meaning 1 | basket (for items of female crafts) | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | skep, wicker beehive | |
reference | Ramazanov 2010: 540-541 | |
comment | Also варарин тIак 'bee basket' |
ACCEPTED Realization 3 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Armenian | |
lexeme | kʿtʿocʿ (քթոց) | |
meaning 1 | basket | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | beehive made with sticks and twigs | |
reference | Vardanian et al. (eds.) 2012: 148-149 | |
comment |
NEW Realization 4 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Crimean Tatar | |
lexeme | сепет | |
meaning 1 | basket | |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | beehive | |
reference | <personally collected data> | |
comment | Усейнов. С.М. Русско-крымскотатарский, крымскотатарско-русский словарь |
ACCEPTED Realization 5 | ||
type | Derivation | |
language | Croatian | |
lexeme 1 | koš | |
lexeme 2 | košnica | |
meaning 1 | basket | koš za smeće waste basket |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | beehive | |
reference | HJP | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 6 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | English | |
lexeme | skep | |
meaning 1 | a wooden or wicker basket | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | a straw or wicker beehive | |
reference | ODE | |
comment | late Old English sceppe ‘basket’, from Old Norse skeppa ‘basket, bushel’ |
ACCEPTED Realization 7 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Ingush | |
lexeme | тускар | |
meaning 1 | basket | |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | skep, wicker beehive | |
reference | Baraxoeva, Kodzoev, Xajrov 2015: 173, 186 | |
comment |
NEW Realization 8 | ||
type | Internal cognates | |
language | Rutul | |
lexeme 1 | тIаджи | |
lexeme 2 | тIак | |
meaning 1 | basket | |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | skep | |
reference | Alisultanov, Sulejmanova 2019: 347 | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 9 | ||
type | Derivation | |
language | Serbian | |
lexeme 1 | кош (koš) | |
lexeme 2 | кошница (košnica) | |
meaning 1 | basket | корпа за отпатке waste basket |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | beehive | U košnici živi porodica pčela. A bee family lives in the hive. |
reference | Vujanitsh et al. 2007: 578-579 | |
comment | Example for meaning 2 - CLARIN.SI |
ACCEPTED Realization 10 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Ukrainian | |
lexeme | сапетка | |
meaning 1 | basket | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | skep, non-separable hive of twigs or straw, often coated with clay | |
reference | ESUM: V, 179 | |
comment | From сапет 'basket' from Turkish sepet, Crimean Tatar säpät 'basket'. Also Russian сапетка with both meanings Фасмер III, 558 |
'basket' → 'skep, a straw or wicker beehive' (English, Aghul, Ingush, Ukrainian, Armenian) → 'any beehive' (Serbian, Croatian).
Picture: replica of Roman skep in Aquincum Museum (Budapest)