albumen, white of an egg protein 14 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Armenian
lexeme spitakucʿ (սպիտակուց)
meaning 1 albumen, white of an egg
meaning 2 protein
reference Galstjan 1984
NEW Realization 2
type Derivation
language Croatian
lexeme 1 bjelanjak
lexeme 2 bjelančevine
meaning 1 albumen, white of an egg
meaning 2 protein najvažnije bjelančevine: enzimi, protutijela, hemoglobin
most important proteins: enzymes, antibodies, hemoglobin
reference HJP
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Derivation
language Czech
lexeme 1 bílek
lexeme 2 bílkovina
meaning 1 albumen, white of an egg
meaning 2 protein
reference Kopeckij 1976: 1, 57
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Dutch
lexeme eiwit
meaning 1 albumen, white of an egg
meaning 2 protein
reference Mironov 1987: 197
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Finnish
lexeme valkuainen
meaning 1 albumen, white of an egg
meaning 2 protein
reference Vahros, Ščerbakov 2007: 699
comment Also valkuaisaine 'protein'
ACCEPTED Realization 6
type Polysemy
language German
lexeme Eiweiß
meaning 1 albumen, white of an egg geschlagenes Eiweiß
beaten egg whites
meaning 2 protein Eine Nierenschädigung aufgrund erhöhten Eiweißkonsums wurde mehrmals in Langzeitstudien widerlegt.
Kidney damage due to increased protein consumption has been refuted several times in long-term studies.
reference Moskal'skaja (ed.) 2001
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Derivation
language Macedonian
lexeme 1 белка
lexeme 2 белковина
meaning 1 albumen, white of an egg
meaning 2 protein
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 8
type Derivation
language Mandarin Chinese
lexeme 1 dànbái (蛋白)
lexeme 2 dànbáizhì (蛋白质)
meaning 1 albumen, white of an egg
meaning 2 protein
reference BKRS
ACCEPTED Realization 9
type Polysemy
language Polish
lexeme białko
meaning 1 albumen, white of an egg ubić białka
to whisk egg white
meaning 2 protein białka złożne
complex proteins
reference Gessen, Stypula 1980: 1, 66
ACCEPTED Realization 10
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme белок (belok)
meaning 1 albumen, white of an egg
meaning 2 protein
reference BAS: 1, 375
NEW Realization 11
type Derivation
language Serbian
lexeme 1 беланце (belance)
lexeme 2 беланчевина (belančevina)
meaning 1 albumen, white of an egg Odvojiti od belance od žumanceta.
Separate the egg whites from the yolks.
meaning 2 protein Jaja bareno belance je jedan od najvećih izvora belančevina.
Boiled egg whites are one of the largest sources of protein
reference CLARIN.SI
ACCEPTED Realization 12
type Derivation
language Slovenian
lexeme 1 belják
lexeme 2 beljakovina
meaning 1 albumen, white of an egg
meaning 2 protein
reference Kotnik 1967: 9
ACCEPTED Realization 13
type Derivation
language Swedish
lexeme 1 äggvita
lexeme 2 äggviteämne
meaning 1 albumen, white of an egg
meaning 2 protein äggviteämnen finns främst i kött, fisk och ost; under­skott i till­förseln av äggviteämnen i späd ålder kan leda till försämrade hjärn­funktioner
Proteins are found mainly in meat, fish and cheese; deficits in the supply of proteins at an early age can lead to impaired brain functions
reference SAO
ACCEPTED Realization 14
type Polysemy
language Ukrainian
lexeme білок
meaning 1 albumen, white of an egg Тонка оболонка відокремлює жовток від білка
The thin shell separates the yolk from the egg white
meaning 2 protein Білки були вперше описані шведським хіміком Єнсом Якобом Берцеліусом в 1838 році
The proteins were first described by the Swedish chemist Jens Jacob Berzelius in 1838
reference <personally collected data>