#4091 foot beginning 3 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Tamil
lexeme aṭi
meaning 1 foot
meaning 2 beginning aṭi-y-iṭu- 1) to make a beginning; 2) to make the bottom of a basket or the first end of a mat as a beginning; 3) to step forward
reference Tamil lexicon: 46
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Tamil
lexeme tāḷ
meaning 1 leg, foot
meaning 2 Origin, commencement, beginning
reference Tamil lexicon: 1855
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Tamil
lexeme 1 mutal
lexeme 2 mutal
meaning 1 Base, foot, bottom or lowest part of anything
meaning 2 beginning
reference Tamil lexicon: 3259
comment The main meaning of "mutal" is "first, beginning", the meaning "foot" is not the main.