nest (n.) family 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Old East Slavic
Lexeme гнѣздо
Meaning 1 nest (n.)
Meaning 2 family; kin, descendants, posterity Три гнѣзда людей: Поликарпикъ съ женою, у него сынъ Алешка, Петрушка Семеновъ съ женою Анискою, Еремка Фомин съ женою Дункою (1689); Дремлетъ въ полѣ Ольгово хороброе гнѣздо, далече залетѣло («Слово о полку Игореве»)
Three nests of people: Polikarpik with his wife, his son Aleshka, Petrushka Semenov with his wife Aniska, Yeremka Fomin with his wife Dunka; Oleg’s brave nest is snoozing in the field, far flown («The Tale of Igor's Campaign», Oleg’s nest = descendants prince Oleg Svyatoslavich, grandson of Yaroslav the Wise, grandfather of Igor Svyatoslavich)
Reference SRJa XI-XVII: 4, 43-44
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Cognates
Language 1 Pukapukan
Language 2 Hawaiian
Lexeme 1 kooanga
Lexeme 2 ʔohana
Meaning 1 nest (n.)
Meaning 2 family
Reference POLLEX-Online
Comment Marquesas kohata ‘nest’, Moriori kuhanga ‘bird's nest’, New Zealand Maori koowhanga ‘nest’, Penrhyn koo(h)anga ‘nest’, Rarotongan kooʔanga ‘nest (of bird or animal)’, Tahitian ofaa ‘thicket, impenetrable brushwood; to nestle, or lie close in a nest, as a bird’, Tuamotu koofaŋa ‘nest’