to ride a surfboard to browse through (a digital source) 2 realizations
NEW Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language English
Lexeme surf
Meaning 1 to ride a surfboard I took surfing classes, but I quit: I kept falling off the board.
Meaning 2 to browse through (a digital source) I spent the night surfing the web.
Reference ODE
NEW Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme сёрфить/sërfit’
Meaning 1 to ride a surfboard Я бы хотел научиться сёрфить, но у меня нет доски и я живу в Барнауле.
I'd like to learn how to surf, but I don't have a surfboard and I live in Barnaul.
Meaning 2 to browse through (a digital source) Мой сын постоянно сёрфит в интернете, как его вытащить на улицу?
My son is always surfing the internet, how do I get him to go outside?
Reference <personally collected data>