Mercury mercury 15 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Basque
Lexeme 1 Merkurio
Lexeme 2 merkurio
Meaning 1 Mercury
Meaning 2 mercury Merkurioa metal astun zilarkara da.
Mercury is a heavy silver metal.
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Catalan
Lexeme 1 Mercuri
Lexeme 2 mercuri
Meaning 1 Mercury Mercuri és el planeta més proper al Sol i el més petit del sistema solar.
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest in the solar system.
Meaning 2 mercury La mena més important del mercuri és el cinabri, les majors reserves mineres del qual es troben a Espanya, a les mines d'Almadén.
The most important type of mercury is cinnabar, whose largest mining reserves are in Spain, in the Almadén mines.
Reference DIEC2
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language English
Lexeme 1 Mercury
Lexeme 2 mercury
Meaning 1 Mercury Mercury orbits within the orbit of Venus at an average distance of 57.9 million km from the sun
Meaning 2 mercury column of mercury in a thermometer
Reference ODE
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language French
Lexeme 1 Mercure
Lexeme 2 mercure
Meaning 1 Mercury
Meaning 2 mercury mercure sulfuré
sulfurized mercury
Reference CNRTL
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Polysemy
Language Friulian
Lexeme 1 Mercuri
Lexeme 2 mercuri
Meaning 1 Mercury I planets maiôrs a son, in ordin, Mercuri, Bielestele, Tiere, Mart, Jupiter, Saturni, Uran, Netun e Pluton
Meaning 2 mercury Il Mercuri è un element chimic con simbul Hg e numar atomic 80.
Mercury is a chemical element with the symbol Hg and atomic number 80.
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 6
Type Polysemy
Language Galician
Lexeme 1 Mercurio
Lexeme 2 mercurio
Meaning 1 Mercury Ao ser un planeta con órbita máis pequena cá da Terra, Mercurio pasa de xeito periódico entre esta e o Sol, fenómeno ó que se lle chama tránsito de Mercurio se nese momento ambos planetas e o Sol están aliñados.
Being a planet with a smaller orbit than the Earth, Mercury passes periodically between it and the Sun, a phenomenon called the transit of Mercury if at that time both planets and the Sun are aligned.
Meaning 2 mercury O envelenamento por mercurio pode resultar da exposición ás formas solubles en auga do mercurio (como o cloruro mercúrico ou o metilmercurio), pola inhalación de vapor de mercurio, ou pola inxestión de calquera das súas formas.
Mercury poisoning can result from exposure to water-soluble forms of mercury (such as mercuric chloride or methylmercury), from inhalation of mercury vapor, or from ingestion of any of its forms.
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 7
Type Polysemy
Language Irish Gaelic
Lexeme Mearcair
Meaning 1 Mercury Is é Mearcair an pláinéad is gaire don Ghrian sa ghrianchóras, agus is é is mírialta fithis i ndiaidh Phlútóin.
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun in the solar system, and is the most irregular orbit after Pluto.
Meaning 2 mercury Tá mearcair ar fáil ar fud an domhain, go háirithe i bhfoirm cionnabair, is é sin, suilfíd mhearcair nó HgS.
Mercury is available worldwide, especially in the form of cinnabar, that is, mercury sulfide or HgS.
Reference Ó Dónaill 1977
ACCEPTED Realization 8
Type Polysemy
Language Italian
Lexeme 1 Mercurio
Lexeme 2 mercurio
Meaning 1 Mercury Come nel caso della Luna e di Venere, anche per Mercurio dalla Terra è visibile un ciclo delle fasi, sebbene sia abbastanza difficile osservarlo con strumenti amatoriali
As in the case of the Moon and Venus, a cycle of phases is also visible for Mercury from the Earth, although it is quite difficult to observe it with amateur instruments
Meaning 2 mercury Il mercurio è un metallo di transizione dalla tipica colorazione bianco-argentea.
Mercury is a transition metal with a typical silver-white color.
Reference De Mauro
ACCEPTED Realization 9
Type Polysemy
Language Maltese
Lexeme 1 Merkurju
Lexeme 2 merkurju
Meaning 1 Mercury Merkurju huwa l-pjaneta l-aktar viċin tax-Xemx, u t-tieni l-iżgħar pjaneta tas-Sistema Solari.
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, and the second smallest planet in the Solar System.
Meaning 2 mercury
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 10
Type Polysemy
Language Occitan
Lexeme 1 Mercuri
Lexeme 2 mercuri
Meaning 1 Mercury Mercuri es la planeta del Sistèma Solar pus pròcha del Solelh e la pus pichona
Mercury is the planet in the Solar System closest to the Sun and the smallest
Meaning 2 mercury Lo mercuri (tanben anomenat argent-viu), es un element quimic de simbòl Hg e de numèro atomic 80.
Mercury (also called living silver), is a chemical element of symbol Hg and atomic number 80.
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 11
Type Polysemy
Language Portuguese
Lexeme 1 Mercúrio
Lexeme 2 mercúrio
Meaning 1 Mercury
Meaning 2 mercury
Reference Feerštejn, Starec 2005
ACCEPTED Realization 12
Type Polysemy
Language Romanian
Lexeme 1 Mercur
Lexeme 2 mercur
Meaning 1 Mercury
Meaning 2 mercury
Reference DEX98
ACCEPTED Realization 13
Type Polysemy
Language Scots
Lexeme 1 Mercur
Lexeme 2 mercur
Meaning 1 Mercury Mercur is the smawest an closest tae the Sun o the aicht planets in the Solar Seestem,[a] wi an orbital period o aboot 88 Yird days.
Meaning 2 mercury Afore better compounds war fund, some mercur compounds war uised in medicine for tae kill germs on the skin
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 14
Type Polysemy
Language Spanish
Lexeme 1 Mercurio
Lexeme 2 mercurio
Meaning 1 Mercury
Meaning 2 mercury
Reference DRAE
ACCEPTED Realization 15
Type Cognates
Language Welsh
Lexeme 1 Mercher
Lexeme 2 mercwri
Meaning 1 Mercury Mercher yw'r blaned agosaf at yr haul gyda'r mas leiaf yng Nghysawd yr Haul.
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun with the smallest mass in the Solar System.
Meaning 2 mercury Mercwri yw'r unig fetel sy'n hylif ar dymheredd stafell.
Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature.
Reference GPC
Comment Mercwri was borrowed from English mercury (< Latin Mercurius). Mercher was directly borrowed from Latin Mercurius.