#4368 cat anchor 9 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Derivation
language Bulgarian
lexeme 1 котка
lexeme 2 котва
meaning 1 cat
meaning 2 anchor
reference Bernštejn 1966: 276
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Derivation
language Czech
lexeme 1 kočka
lexeme 2 kotva
meaning 1 cat
meaning 2 anchor loď stojí v zátoce na kotvách
the ship stands at anchor in the bay
reference SSJČ
comment kočka < *koťьka
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Derivation
language Hungarian
lexeme 1 macska
lexeme 2 vasmacska
meaning 1 cat
meaning 2 (colloquial) anchor A horgonyt … vasmacskának nevezi a nép, és okosan, mert megfogja a tárgyakat, mint macska az egeret (Mikszáth Kálmán)
The anchor… is called an vasmacska (lit. ‘iron cat’) by the people, and cleverly because it catches objects like a cat with a mouse
reference MEK 1978
comment vas 'iron'
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Derivation
language Polish
lexeme 1 kot
lexeme 2 kotwica
meaning 1 cat
meaning 2 anchor Jeżeli zarzucona kotwica znajduje się poza największą szerokością statku i stanowi przeszkodę dla innych przepływających statków, wówczas statek powinien być od strony zarzuconej kotwicy oznaczony dodatkowym światłem białym umieszczonym na wysokości 1 m poniżej światła białego. (Stefan Wysocki: Żeglarstwo śródlądowe, 1969)
If the dropped anchor is beyond the greatest breadth of the vessel and is an obstacle to other passing vessels, then the vessel shall be marked on the side of the abandoned anchor with additional white light placed 1 m below the white light
reference WSJP
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Romanian
lexeme cătușă
meaning 1 (dated) cat
meaning 2 (dated) anchor
reference MDA2
ACCEPTED Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Romanian
lexeme mâță
meaning 1 (colloquial) cat
meaning 2 (dated) ship anchor
reference MDA2
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme кошка (koška)
meaning 1 cat
meaning 2 anchor, having more than two flukes Для удержания судна на одном месте, во время стоянок и сильных ветров, каждая расшива имеет при себе шесть кошек, или четырехлапых якорей (Павел Небольсин, 1854)
To keep the vessel in one place, during stops and strong winds, each rasshiva [river flat-bottomed sailing vessel on Volga and Caspian sea] carries six “cats”, or four-legged anchors
reference BAS: 5, 1558-1560
comment Now 'grapnel, small anchor' (Švedova 2007)
ACCEPTED Realization 8
type Derivation
language Slovak
lexeme 1 kocúr
lexeme 2 kotva
meaning 1 cat
meaning 2 anchor spustiť kotvu
to lower the anchor
reference KSSJ
ACCEPTED Realization 9
type Derivation
language Ukrainian
lexeme 1 кiт
lexeme 2 кiтва
meaning 1 cat
meaning 2 (rare) anchor Сірий велетень стоїть на двох кітвах і чотирьох стальних тросах (Олесь Донченко)
The gray giant stands on two anchors and four steel cables
reference SUM-11