comb reed (in loom) 8 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Ancient Greek
Lexeme κτείς
Meaning 1 comb
Meaning 2 reed (in loom)
Reference LSJ
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language French
Lexeme peigne
Meaning 1 comb Sans pitié, elle ratisse avec son peigne les cheveux emmêlés (Martin du G., Vieille Fr., 1933, p.1101)
Without pity, she combs the tangled hair with her comb
Meaning 2 reed (in loom) À la suite des lisses, les fils de chaîne traversent un peigne comprenant autant de dents, qu'il y a de fils (...). Chaque fil passe entre les dents du peigne dont le rôle est de serrer les fils de trame les uns contre les autres (Blanquet, Technol. mét. habill., 1948, p.98).
Reference CNRTL
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Galician
Lexeme peite
Meaning 1 comb
Meaning 2 piece of the loom with a series of pugs through which the warp threads pass Cada tecedeira tiña un xogo de peites.
Each weaver had a set of reeds
Reference DRAG
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language Italian
Lexeme pettine
Meaning 1 comb
Meaning 2 in weaving, an accessory organ of the loom, in the shape of a comb, which has the function of regularly distributing all the warp threads over a given length, compressing the weft inserted against the fabric being formed, and obtaining a particular look and feel in the finished fabric
Reference Vocabolario Treccani
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Polysemy
Language Latin
Lexeme pecten
Meaning 1 comb (for a hair)
Meaning 2 reed or sley of a weaver's loom
Reference Lewis, Short
ACCEPTED Realization 6
Type Polysemy
Language Portuguese
Lexeme pente
Meaning 1 comb
Meaning 2 reed (in loom)
Reference DPLP
ACCEPTED Realization 7
Type Polysemy
Language Romanian
Lexeme pieptene
Meaning 1 comb
Meaning 2 metal tool with large and sparse teeth, with which the weft is stuffed on carpets or on some thick woolen fabrics
Reference MDA2
ACCEPTED Realization 8
Type Polysemy
Language Spanish
Lexeme peine
Meaning 1 comb
Meaning 2 reed (in loom)
Reference DRAE