#5092 idler, loafer sloth (South American mammal) 35 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Azerbaijani
lexeme ərincək
meaning 1 idler, slacker, sluggard
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal)
reference Azərbaycanca-rusca lüǧet 2006
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Belarusan
lexeme лянівец
meaning 1 idler, loafer
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal)
reference Slounik.org
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Bosnian
lexeme ljenjivac
meaning 1 idler, loafer
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) troprsti ljenjivac
three-toed sloth
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Brazilian Portuguese
lexeme preguiça
meaning 1 laziness; sloth
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal)
reference Feerštejn, Starec 2005
comment Also bicho-preguiça lit. 'beast-sloth'
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Bulgarian
lexeme ленивец
meaning 1 idler, loafer
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) Кафявогърлият ленивец
brown-throated sloth
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Catalan
lexeme peresós
meaning 1 idler, loafer
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) Tots els peresosos tenen tres dits en els peus.
All sloths have three toes on their feet.
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Polysemy
language Catalan
lexeme peresós
meaning 1 lazy Ésser peresós d’escriure. Ésser peresós per a llevar-se. Per peresa de llescar, el peresós no menja pa.
Be lazy to write. Being lazy to get up. For laziness of slicing, the lazy one does not eat bread.
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal)
reference DIEC2
ACCEPTED Realization 8
type Polysemy
language Croatian
lexeme lenjivac
meaning 1 idler, loafer
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) Ljenivci nastanjuju isključivo krošnje stabala tropskih kišnih šuma Srednje Amerike i područja Amazonije pa do južnih područja Brazila.
Sloths inhabit exclusively the canopy of tropical rainforests of Central America and the Amazon to the southern regions of Brazil.
reference <personally collected data>
NEW Realization 9
type Derivation
language Croatian
lexeme 1 lijеn
lexeme 2 ljеnjivac
meaning 1 idle
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal)
reference HJP
ACCEPTED Realization 10
type Polysemy
language Czech
lexeme lenochod
meaning 1 lazy person
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal)
reference SSJČ
comment semantic influence of scientific Latin Bradypus from Ancient Greek βραδύς 'slow' + πούς 'foot'
ACCEPTED Realization 11
type Derivation
language Danish
lexeme 1 doven
lexeme 2 dovendyr
meaning 1 lazy
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal)
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 12
type Polysemy
language Dutch
lexeme luiaard
meaning 1 lazy person
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) Luiaards hebben een boomklimmende levensstijl.
Sloths have a tree climbing lifestyle.
reference Mironov 1987: 413
comment aard 'nature, character'
ACCEPTED Realization 13
type Polysemy
language English
lexeme sloth
meaning 1 reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness
meaning 2 slow-moving tropical American mammal that hangs upside down from the branches of trees using its long limbs and hooked claws
reference ODE
comment From Middle English slouthe, slewthe 'laziness', from Old English slǣwþ 'sloth, indolence, laziness, inertness'
ACCEPTED Realization 14
type Derivation
language Estonian
lexeme 1 laisk
lexeme 2 laiskloom
meaning 1 lazy
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) Võrreldes teiste sama suurte imetajatega on laiskloomadel poole aeglasem ainevahetus.
Compared to other mammals of the same size, sloths have a half-slower metabolism.
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 15
type Polysemy
language Finnish
lexeme laiskiainen
meaning 1 lazy person
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal)
reference Vahros, Ščerbakov 2007: 308
comment laiska 'lazy'
ACCEPTED Realization 16
type Polysemy
language French
lexeme paresseux
meaning 1 idler, loafer En voyant les Orientaux, sous un ciel brûlant (...), ne peut-on pas prononcer, sans autre examen, que ces peuples sont oisifs et paresseux? (Jouy,Hermite,t.4, 1813, p.260).
Seeing the Orientals, under a burning sky (...), can we not pronounce, without further examination, that these peoples are idle and lazy?
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) Le paresseux de la famille des Bradypodidae est très recherché comme animal de compagnie. Cependant son métabolisme lent adapté au mode de vie dans la forêt se montre très vulnérable à certaines maladies qui provoquent une surmortalité des paresseux en captivité
The sloth of the Bradypodidae family is in great demand as a pet. However, its slow metabolism, adapted to the way of life in the forest, is very vulnerable to certain diseases which cause excess mortality in sloths in captivity
reference CNRTL
ACCEPTED Realization 17
type Derivation
language German
lexeme 1 faul
lexeme 2 Faultier
meaning 1 lazy
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal)
reference Duden
comment faul + Tier 'animal'. Also Faultier (informal) 'lazy person'.
ACCEPTED Realization 18
type Polysemy
language Hungarian
lexeme lajhár
meaning 1 idler, loafer
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) A lajhárok legközelebbi ma élő rokonai a hangyászok
The closest relatives of sloths living today are the anteaters
reference Gal’di 1987: 440
comment Word of unknown origin; it is certainly related to the dialectal adjective lingale ‘slow, sluggish, clumsy’, also of unknown origin.
ACCEPTED Realization 19
type Derivation
language Icelandic
lexeme 1 leti
lexeme 2 letidýr
meaning 1 laziness
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal)
reference ISLEX
ACCEPTED Realization 20
type Polysemy
language Latvian
lexeme sliņķis
meaning 1 lazy person tēvs necieš sliņķus, jo allaž savus dēlus mācījis: “darbs ir cilvēka lielākais gods”
father couldn't stand lazy people, as he always taught his sons: “work is man's greatest honor”
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) parastais (trīspirkstu) sliņķis
simple (three-fingered) sloth
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 21
type Polysemy
language Lithuanian
lexeme tinginys
meaning 1 laziness, lazy person, idler, loafer
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) tripirštis tinginys
three-toed sloth
reference LRŽ: 829
ACCEPTED Realization 22
type Polysemy
language Macedonian
lexeme мрзливец
meaning 1 lazy person, idler, loafer
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) Оклопниците и мрзливците имаат секачи, кои кај некои видови се без глеѓната покривка што се среќава на забите од повеќето други цицачи.
armadillos and sloths have incisors, which in some species are without the enamel cover found on the teeth of most other mammals.
reference Tolovski, Illič-Svityč 1963: 265
ACCEPTED Realization 23
type Derivation
language Mandarin Chinese
lexeme 1 lǎn (懶, 懒)
lexeme 2 shùlǎn (樹懶, 树懒)
meaning 1 lazy
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal)
reference BKRS
comment 'tree' + 'lazy'
ACCEPTED Realization 24
type Derivation
language Norwegian
lexeme 1 doven
lexeme 2 dovendyr
meaning 1 idler, loafer
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) Dovendyr blir normalt mellom 58 og 70 cm høy og veier mellom 5 og 12 kilo.
Sloths are normally between 58 and 70 cm tall and weigh between 5 and 12 kilos.
reference <personally collected data>
comment Bokmål and Nynorsk
ACCEPTED Realization 25
type Polysemy
language Occitan
lexeme peresós
meaning 1 lazy
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) Lo peresós ten una pelissa d'un brun verdós que li permet de s'escondre dins lo fuelhum.
The sloth has a greenish-brown fur that allows it to hide in the foliage.
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 26
type Polysemy
language Polish
lexeme leniwiec
meaning 1 (colloquial, derogatory) lazy person, idler, loafer
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal)
reference Słownik języka polskiego PWN
comment The first meaning in Polish from XIV c., the second one from XVIII c. Under semantic influece of German Faultier and French paresseux (Slawski, IV, 153)
ACCEPTED Realization 27
type Polysemy
language Romanian
lexeme leneș
meaning 1 idler, lazy person
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) Leneșii se hrănesc în general cu frunze, muguri, lăstari în principal din copacii de genul Cecropia.
Sloths generally feed on leaves, buds, shoots mainly from trees from the genus Cecropia
reference DEX98
ACCEPTED Realization 28
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme ленивец (lenivec)
meaning 1 idler, loafer …здесь замошников достать неможно, к тому ж, чтоб был не пьяница и не ленивец (В. Н. Татищев. Наказ комиссару Уктусского завода Т. Бурцову, 1721); — Я бы желал,— сказал он,— чтобы, не учившись, я всегда знал урок свой, какой мне ни задали. — Не думал я, что ты такой ленивец,— ответил король, покачав головою.— Но делать нечего: я должен исполнить свое обещание. (А. Погорельский "Черная курица, или Подземные жители", 1829)
You can't find a locksmith here, and even one that is not a drunkard and lazy (V. Tatischev, 1721); ”I would like, - he said, - that, without studying, I always knew my lesson, whatever I was asked”. “I didn’t think you were such a loafer,” the king replied, shaking his head. “But there’s nothing to do: I must keep my promise”. (A. Pogorelskij, 1829)
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) Большую часть жизни ленивцы проводят на деревьях, почти не двигаясь.
Sloths spend most of their lives in trees, almost without moving.
reference BAS: 6, 153
comment The first meaning was attested in Russian dictionaries in 1731 (German-Latin and Russian Lexicon" by E. Weismann, page 361, for German «ein trager langsamer Mensch» and Latin cunctator) and in 1771 (Der russische Cellarius, oder Etymologisches Wörterbuch by Franz Hölterhof, page 285, for German «ein Faulenzer»). Also SAR III, 1355. Second meaning initially in ленивой зверь ‘sloth’, lit. ‘lazy animal’ (Sl.nat.ist., 1788, I, 279), semantic borrowing from German Faulthier (SRJa XVIII, XI, 150, Bagrinovskij ), ленивец ‘das Fraulthier’ in 1798 (Vollständiges Deutsch-Russisches Lexicon, I, 512).
NEW Realization 29
type Polysemy
language Serbian
lexeme лењивац (lenjivac)
meaning 1 idler, loafer Da bi opravdao svoju lenost , lenjivac ističe teškoće i prepreke nekome poslu, i uveličava ih preko svake mere.
To justify his/her laziness idler highlights difficulties and obstacles to some business and exaggerate them beyond measures.
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) Lenjivac je najsporija životinja na svetu. Spava dnevno po 18 h.
Sloth is the slowest animal in the world. It sleeps 18 hours a day.
reference CLARIN.SI
ACCEPTED Realization 30
type Polysemy
language Slovak
lexeme leňoch
meaning 1 lazy person
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) Leňochy žijú v Južnej (a Strednej) Amerike na stromoch
Sloths live in trees in South (and Central) America
reference Slovníkový portál
ACCEPTED Realization 31
type Polysemy
language Slovenian
lexeme lenivec
meaning 1 lazy person ne podpirajte lenivcev
don’t support the lazy
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) triprsti lenivec
three-toed sloth
reference SSKJ2
ACCEPTED Realization 32
type Polysemy
language Spanish
lexeme perezoso
meaning 1 lazy person, idler, loafer
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal)
reference DRAE
ACCEPTED Realization 33
type Derivation
language Turkish
lexeme 1 tembel
lexeme 2 tembel hayvan
meaning 1 lazy person
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) Tembel hayvanlar, günde 15 ila 18 saat uyuyarak en çok uyuyan hayvanların başında gelirler.
Sloths are among the animals that sleep the most, sleeping 15 to 18 hours a day.
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 34
type Polysemy
language Ukrainian
lexeme лінивець
meaning 1 (colloquial) lazy person Як звезе [козак] його гарапником! Той лінивець аж підскочив вище козака
How [the Cossack] take him with a quirt! That lazybones jumped up above the Cossack
meaning 2 sloth (South American mammal) Зеленуватий колір шерсті лінивців пояснюється тим, що на їх шкірі симбіотично живуть водорості
The greenish color of the hair of sloths is due to the fact that on their skin symbiotically live algae
reference SUM-11
ACCEPTED Realization 35
type Polysemy
language Welsh
lexeme diogyn
meaning 1 lazy person, sluggard, idler
meaning 2 sloth, one of the Bradypodidæ
reference Geiriuadur
comment Second meaning since 1824.