still (adv.) nevertheless 3 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language English
lexeme still
meaning 1 up to and including the present or the time mentioned; even now (or then) as formerly He still lives with his mother. It was still raining
meaning 2 nevertheless; all the same I'm afraid he's crazy. Still, he's harmless
reference ODE
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language French
lexeme toujours
meaning 1 still (adv.) Je ne suis toujours pas satisfait.
I am still not satisfied.
meaning 2 nevertheless − On ne va pas sortir, regarde cette pluie! − C'est comme tu voudras, toujours est-il que tu es bien sorti l'autre jour par une pluie battante.
– We will not go out, look at this rain ! – As you wish, however the other day you went out in the pouring rain.
reference CNRTL
comment The second meaning is only realized in the construction "Toujours est-il que..."
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Spanish
lexeme todavía
meaning 1 still (adv.) Está durmiendo todavía.
meaning 2 nevertheless Es muy ingrato, pero todavía quiero yo hacerle bien
reference <personally collected data>