roof house 1 realization
NEW Realization 1
Type Cognates
Language 1 Bintulu
Language 2 Buginese
Lexeme 1 sapaw
Lexeme 2 sao
Meaning 1 roof sapaw raʔun
roof thatch
Meaning 2 house
Reference ACD
Comment Paiwan tapaw ‘house in fields’, Itbayaten sapaw-an ‘ridgepole, ridgepiece (one of the pillars attached to roof of house)’, Ilokano sápaw ‘shade, shelter, screen, cover hut’, Ida'an Begak sapow ‘roof’, Belait sapaw ‘thatch, roof’, Kelabit apo ‘roof’, Kayan hapau ‘leaf thatch of roof’, Melanau (Mukah) sapaw ‘palm-leaf thatch’, Ngaju Dayak sapaw ‘roof’, Ma'anyan hapaw ‘roof’, Malay sapau ‘temporary hut put up for the night by travellers in the jungle’, Karo Batak sapo ‘page’, sapo rumah ‘rice granary on poles’, sapo-sapo juma ‘field hut’, Proto-South Sulawesi *sa(m)po ‘house’, Buginese (dial.) sapo ‘fence’, sappo ‘bamboo structure around a well so one may bathe unobserved’, Makassarese sapo ‘house’, Popalia sapo ‘house’, Malagasy táfu ‘a roof, a raised cover’, vua-táfu ‘thatched, roofed; covered’, Malay sapar ‘temporary hut’, Toba Batak sopo ‘rice-barn’.