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Pangasinan ogtó ‘noon’, Ayta Abellan ogto ‘midday, lunchtime; directly over or under’, Kapampangan ugtú ‘noon’, Tagalog udtó ‘noon, noontime, midday’, Bikol udtó ‘noon, noontime, midday’, Hanunóo ʔudtú ‘mid-point of a vizualized celestial arch; more specifically, noon’, ʔudtuh-an ‘noontime’, Aklanon údto ‘about directly overhead (in the sky)’, ugto ‘at the zenith, directly overhead; half moon (waxing or waning)’, pa-udtoh-ón ‘gibbous (waning); 3rd quarter’, Hiligaynon úgtu ‘noon’, Cebuano udtú ‘twelve o'clock, for the sun to be overhead; for the moon or something else to be in the heavens at the noon position’, udtúh-an ‘zenith’, Maranao oto ‘lunch; eat noon meal’, oto-n ‘eat during lunch time, lunch on’, Manobo (Western Bukidnon) udtu ‘action (of the earth's rotation) upon celestial bodies which causes them to rise to the zenith’, Tiruray ‘ʔutuh to go on top of something’, ge-utuh ‘noontime’, Tausug ugtu ‘noontime, mid-day, when the sun is at its zenith’ |