to gnaw to cause moral suffering 19 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Belarusan
Lexeme грызці
Meaning 1 to gnaw сабака грызе костку
Dog chewing on a bone
Meaning 2 to cause moral suffering грызе туга
melancholy gnaws
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language English
Lexeme to gnaw
Meaning 1 to bite at or nibble something persistently
Meaning 2 to cause persistent distress or anxiety the doubts continued to gnaw at me
Reference ODE
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language French
Lexeme ronger
Meaning 1 to gnaw Le chien ronge son os.
The dog bites its bone.
Meaning 2 to cause moral suffering La maladie le ronge.
His illness is making him suffer.
Reference Larousse online
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language German
Lexeme nagen
Meaning 1 to gnaw
Meaning 2 to cause moral suffering der Kummer nagt an seinem Herzen
grief gnaws his heart
Reference Moskal'skaja (ed.) 2001
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Polysemy
Language Irish Gaelic
Lexeme creim
Meaning 1 to gnaw Rud a chreimeadh
to gnaw at sth.
Meaning 2 to cause moral suffering Ag creimeadh mo chroí
gnawing at my heart
Reference Ó Dónaill 1977
ACCEPTED Realization 6
Type Polysemy
Language Italian
Lexeme rodere
Meaning 1 to gnaw
Meaning 2 to anger or irritate lo rodeva la gelosia, gli rode non essere stato invitato
the jealousy irritated him, it angers him that he wasn't invited
Reference Vocabolario Treccani
ACCEPTED Realization 7
Type Polysemy
Language Komi
Lexeme вильӧдны
Meaning 1 to gnaw вильӧдны быд лытор
обглодать каждую косточку
Meaning 2 to cause moral suffering шог вильӧдӧ менӧ
горе гложет меня
Reference Beznosikova et al. 2000
ACCEPTED Realization 8
Type Polysemy
Language Latin
Lexeme rodo, -ere
Meaning 1 to gnaw
Meaning 2 to cause moral suffering
Reference Glare
ACCEPTED Realization 9
Type Polysemy
Language Meadow Mari
Lexeme нулташ
Meaning 1 to gnaw Ош мераҥлан каласена – шопке нулташ ынже кошт.
Скажем зайцу белому – пусть не ходит грызть осину. (народная песня)
Meaning 2 to cause moral suffering Ойго шинчалан ок кой, но шӱм-кылетым нулта. (Миклай Казаков)
Горе не заметно на глаз, но гложет душу твою
Reference Marij jylme muter
ACCEPTED Realization 10
Type Polysemy
Language Polish
Lexeme gryźć
Meaning 1 to crush something or to separate parts of it with teeth Stary legionista gryzł baranią pieczeń i popijał z cynowego kubka. (NKJP: Jan Dobraczyński: Święty miecz, 1996)
The old legionnaire gnawed at a lamb roast and drank from a tin mug.
Meaning 2 to cause mental anguish (about conscience), Suzanne bardzo niechętnie mówiła o babce Eweliny, a swojej matce, tak jakby miała do niej żal albo jakby ją gryzły wyrzuty sumienia. (NKJP: Maria Nurowska: Panny i wdowy. Zdrada, 1993)
Suzanne was very reluctant to talk about Ewelina's grandmother, and her mother, as if she had a grudge against her or if she felt guilty.
Reference WSJP
ACCEPTED Realization 11
Type Polysemy
Language Portuguese
Lexeme roer
Meaning 1 to gnaw
Meaning 2 to cause moral suffering
Reference Feerštejn, Starec 2005
ACCEPTED Realization 12
Type Polysemy
Language Romanian
Lexeme roade
Meaning 1 to break with the teeth, with the mouth, little by little, fragments of a hard object (usually of a food, for eating)
Meaning 2 to worry unceasingly (of moods, thoughts, feelings, etc.)
Reference MDA2
NEW Realization 13
Type Polysemy
Language Romanian
Lexeme mînca
Meaning 1 to gnaw
Meaning 2 to cause moral suffering
Reference MDA2
ACCEPTED Realization 14
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme грызть (gryzt')
Meaning 1 to gnaw
Меня грызла совесть
Meaning 2 to torment, disturb (about thoughts, feelings, etc.) My conscience gnawed at me
Reference BTS
ACCEPTED Realization 15
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme глодать (glodat')
Meaning 1 to gnaw, biting the flesh from all sides
Meaning 2 to torment (about feelings) ревность гложет кого-либо
jealousy gnaws someone
Reference BTS
ACCEPTED Realization 16
Type Polysemy
Language Spanish
Lexeme roer
Meaning 1 of an animal: to cut small and superficially, with the teeth or other similar oral organs, the food
Meaning 2 to annoy, afflict or torment internally and frequently.
Reference DRAE
ACCEPTED Realization 17
Type Polysemy
Language Spanish
Lexeme remorder
Meaning 1 to bite repeatedly
Meaning 2 to disturb someone internally, to disturb, alter or unsettle the conscience La conciencia me remuerde. La culpa te remordía. Estos pensamientos remordían su conciencia.
My conscience gnaws me. Guilt gnawed you. These thoughts gnawed his conscience.
Reference DRAE
ACCEPTED Realization 18
Type Polysemy
Language Turkish
Lexeme kemir-
Meaning 1 to gnaw

Oradaki köpekçiğin bizden çok seni kemirmek istiyor gibi görünüyor

Looks like your doggy there would rather gnaw on you than us

Meaning 2 to cause moral suffering

Beynimin içini kemirmekte.

It is gnawing at my brain...

Reference Baskakov 1977: 531
ACCEPTED Realization 19
Type Polysemy
Language Welsh
Lexeme cnoaf
Meaning 1 to bite, gnaw, chew
Meaning 2 to torment, worry, fret, vex (of guilty conscience or remorse, of envy, malice, &c.)
Reference GPC