#5616 to hunt fighter plane 17 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Catalan
lexeme caça
meaning 1 hunt
meaning 2 fighter plane Entre les principals missions complertes pels caces destaquen la patrulla aèria de combat i la intercepció d'aeronaus enemigues.
reference <personally collected data>
comment Also avió de caça.
NEW Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Croatian
lexeme lovac
meaning 1 to hunter
meaning 2 fighter plane
reference HJP
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Derivation
language Czech
lexeme 1 stíhat
lexeme 2 stíhačka
meaning 1 to pursue, chase
meaning 2 fighter plane
reference <personally collected data>
comment Also stíhací letoun
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Derivation
language Dutch
lexeme 1 jacht
lexeme 2 jachtvliegtuig
meaning 1 hunting, hunt
meaning 2 fighter plane
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Derivation
language French
lexeme 1 chasse
lexeme 2 avion de chasse
meaning 1 hunting, hunt
meaning 2 fighter plane
reference CNRTL
ACCEPTED Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Galician
lexeme caza
meaning 1 hunting, hunt Estiveron tres días de caza.
meaning 2 fighter plane O comandante dun dos cazas pediulle que se identificase.
reference DRAG
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Derivation
language German
lexeme 1 Jagd
lexeme 2 Jagdflugzeug
meaning 1 hunting, hunt
meaning 2 fighter plane
reference Duden
comment Also Kampfflugzeug
ACCEPTED Realization 8
type Derivation
language Hungarian
lexeme 1 vadász
lexeme 2 vadászrepülőgép
meaning 1 to hunt
meaning 2 fighter plane
reference MEK 1978
ACCEPTED Realization 9
type Polysemy
language Italian
lexeme caccia
meaning 1 hunting
meaning 2 fighter plane Due caccia di epoche diverse: l'F-15 Eagle e il P-51 Mustang
reference Vocabolario Treccani
comment Also aereo da caccia
ACCEPTED Realization 10
type Derivation
language Macedonian
lexeme 1 лови
lexeme 2 ловец
meaning 1 to hunt
meaning 2 fighter plane
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 11
type Polysemy
language Polish
lexeme myśliwiec
meaning 1 (obsolete) hunter
meaning 2 fighter plane Federalne Biuro Śledcze (FBI) nie wyklucza [...], że samolot został zestrzelony przez myśliwiec amerykański. NKJP: (PAP, AFP-RP): Pozostał tylko gruz, Dziennik Polski, 2001-09-14.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) does not rule out [...] that the plane was shot down by an American fighter plane.
reference WSJP
ACCEPTED Realization 12
type Polysemy
language Portuguese
lexeme caça
meaning 1 hunting, hunt
meaning 2 fighter plane
reference Feerštejn, Starec 2005
ACCEPTED Realization 13
type Polysemy
language Romanian
lexeme 1 vânătoare
lexeme 2 avion de vânătoare
meaning 1 hunt, chase, pursuit
meaning 2 fighter plane
reference MDA2
NEW Realization 14
type Polysemy
language Serbian
lexeme ловац (lovac)
meaning 1 hunter Nijedan lovac nije hteo da je čeka u zasedi.
No hunter wanted to set an ambush.
meaning 2 fighter plane Suvremeni lovci tipa SU-27 svojom brzinom i napose manevarskim sposobnostima prijetnja su svim borbenim avionima današnjice.
Modern fighter plans such as SU-27 with their speed and especially their maneuverability are a threat to all fighter planes today.
reference CLARIN.SI
ACCEPTED Realization 15
type Derivation
language Slovak
lexeme 1 stíhat
lexeme 2 stíhačka
meaning 1 to pursue, chase
meaning 2 fighter plane
reference <personally collected data>
comment Also stíhacie lietadlo
ACCEPTED Realization 16
type Polysemy
language Slovenian
lexeme lovec
meaning 1 to hunt
meaning 2 fighter plane Klasičnh lovskih letal (kot so bila v uporabi med obema svetovnima vojnima), ni več; saj jih sedaj vse bolj zamenjujejo druga večnamenska letala, kot so lovci prestrezniki. Sedaj je le malo različic »čistih« lovcev (npr. F-16A, MiG-21, ...).
Classic fighter planes (as used during the two world wars) are no more; as they are now increasingly being replaced by other multi-role aircraft, such as fighter-interceptors. Currently, there are few versions of "pure" fighter planes (eg F-16A, MiG-21, ...).
reference <personally collected data>
comment Also lovsko letalo
ACCEPTED Realization 17
type Polysemy
language Spanish
lexeme caza
meaning 1 hunting, hunt
meaning 2 fighter plane
reference DRAE
comment Also avión de caza.