to braid, plait, weave complex, complicated 3 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Amharic
Lexeme gämmädä
Meaning 1 to make a thread, cord, or rope by twisting fibers
Meaning 2 to twist or warp a matter, to make an issue more difficult nägär mägmäd yəwäddall ‘he likes to make matters more difficult’
Reference K: 1915
Comment Hayward 2000
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Gamo
Lexeme dook'k'ides
Meaning 1 to twist (a rope)
Meaning 2 to talk in a complicated way
Reference Hayward 2000: 637
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Oromo
Lexeme t'at'a
Meaning 1 to tie up tightly, with many turns of rope
Meaning 2 to speak in intricate manner Ammammoo keessa deebi'eetu yaadasaa waliin t'at'e 'Now he has gon over his idea and made it more complicated' (Gragg 1982:383)
Reference Gragg 1982: 383
Comment Hayward 2000:637