to ring (tr.) to make a telephone call 16 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Armenian
Lexeme zangel (զանգել)
Meaning 1 to ring
Meaning 2 to make a telephone call
Reference Galstjan 1984
Comment From zang (զանգ) 'bell'
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Belarusan
Lexeme званіць
Meaning 1 to ring Зазвінеў званок. Гэта званіў наш маўклівы вартаўнік (В. Адамчык)
The bell rang. It was our silent guard calling
Meaning 2 to make a telephone call Дадому Алесь ехаў адзін: Кібрык пайшоў некаму званіць па тэлефоне (У. Шыцік)
Ales drove home alone: Kibrik went to call someone on the phone
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Estonian
Lexeme helistama
Meaning 1 to ring
Meaning 2 to make a telephone call
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language Finnish
Lexeme soittaa
Meaning 1 to ring soittaa kelloa
to ring a bell.
Meaning 2 to make a telephone call Soitan sinulle illalla
I'll call you tonight.
Reference Vahros, Ščerbakov 2007
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Polysemy
Language Komi
Lexeme звӧнитны
Meaning 1 to ring тільгунӧн звӧнитны
to ring the bell
Meaning 2 to make a telephone call гортӧ звӧнитны
to call home (by phone)
Reference Beznosikova et al. 2000
ACCEPTED Realization 6
Type Polysemy
Language Livvi-Karelian
Lexeme soittua
Meaning 1 to ring dudil'n'iekku soittaw; suwreh kelloh soitandu kuwluw loitokse
The alarm clock is ringing. The ringing of a large bell can be heard far away.
Meaning 2 to make a telephone call soittua t'el'efonah
to call by phone
Reference Makarov 1990: 341
ACCEPTED Realization 7
Type Polysemy
Language Livvi-Karelian
Lexeme zvonie
Meaning 1 to ring kelloh zvonittih
(they) rang the bell
Meaning 2 to make a telephone call t'el'efonua mö zvonittih
(they) phoned
Reference Makarov 1990: 369
ACCEPTED Realization 8
Type Polysemy
Language Macedonian
Lexeme ѕвони
Meaning 1 to ring Ѕвони ѕвонецот на овенот предводник. Телефонот ѕвони. Големата камбана ѕвонеше долго.
The bell of the leading ram rings. The phone is ringing. The great bell rang for a long time.
Meaning 2 to make a telephone call Ќе му ѕвонам да го прашам дали ќе дојде.
I will ring him to ask if he is coming.
Reference DRMJ
ACCEPTED Realization 9
Type Polysemy
Language Meadow Mari
Lexeme звонитлаш
Meaning 1 to ring Ала-кӧ электрозвонокым йыҥгыртатыш. – Виктор, звонитлат, поч, – мане Викторын аваже (Валентин Косоротов)
Someone rang the electric bell. “Viktor, they’re ringing, open [the door],” said Victor’s mother.
Meaning 2 to make a telephone call Эрла эрак райкомыш, Миша Лосев дек звонитлем (Михаил Иванов)
Tomorrow, early, I'll call to the district committee, to Misha Losev.
Reference Marij jylme muter
ACCEPTED Realization 10
Type Polysemy
Language Meadow Mari
Lexeme йыҥгыртаташ
Meaning 1 to ring Канаш лекташат, перерыв пытымек, уэш урок тӱҥалашат оҥгыр шаҥгак йыҥгыртатыш (Василий Юксерн (Столяров))
The bell rang from the lesson for a long time, the break has already passed
Meaning 2 to make a telephone call Сомов деке кум гана телефон дене йыҥгыртатышым, кум ганат арам лие (Вера Кетлинская)
Three times I called Somov by phone, and all three times in vain.
Reference Marij jylme muter
ACCEPTED Realization 11
Type Polysemy
Language Meadow Mari
Lexeme рӱзаш
Meaning 1 to ring Йыҥгырым рӱзаш
to ring the bell
Meaning 2 to make a telephone call Пайгаз, пошкудо клубыш миен, автомат-телефон дене больницыш рӱзыш (Яныш Ялкайн)
Paygaz went to a nearby club and called the hospital from a pay phone.
Reference Marij jylme muter
ACCEPTED Realization 12
Type Polysemy
Language Polish
Lexeme dzwonić
Meaning 1 to ring Dziewczynki sypały kwiaty, chłopcy dzwonili dzwonkami. Zaraz za nimi szła kolejarska orkiestra, a za nią płynął tłum wiernych (NKJP: Marek Miller: Pierwszy milion czyli Chłopcy z Mielczarskiego, 1999)
The girls were throwing flowers, the boys were ringing the bells. The railway orchestra followed immediately behind them, followed by a crowd of the faithful.
Meaning 2 to make a telephone call Ja mu się chyba podobałam, bo często dzwonił, zapraszał mnie do kina (NKJP: Maria Nurowska: Rosyjski kochanek, 1996).
I think he liked me because he often called and invited me to the cinema.
Reference WSJP
ACCEPTED Realization 13
Type Polysemy
Language Romanian
Lexeme sona
Meaning 1 to ring soneria de la ușă
the doorbell rang
Meaning 2 (informal) to make a telephone call
Reference MDA2
ACCEPTED Realization 14
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme звонить
Meaning 1 to ring Звонить в колокол
to ring the bell
Meaning 2 to make a telephone call Он звонит домой, чтобы предупредить, что задержится.
He calls home to warn that he will be late.
Reference BTS
ACCEPTED Realization 15
Type Polysemy
Language Udmurt
Lexeme жингыртыны
Meaning 1 to ring гырлы жингыртӥз
the bell rang
Meaning 2 to make a telephone call телефонэн жингыртыны
to call by phone
Reference Kirillova 2008
ACCEPTED Realization 16
Type Polysemy
Language Ukrainian
Lexeme дзвонити
Meaning 1 to ring Він [паламар] один знає, по кому і як дзвонити (Панас Мирний)
Meaning 2 to make a telephone call — Дзвонили ви до Русевича? — спитав Петров .. — Двічі дзвонив (Юрій Шовкопляс, Інженери); [Надія:] А мій Гордій теж приїхав? [Ромодан:] Скоро буде, дзвонив мені... (Олександр Корнійчук).
Reference SUM-11: 2, 265