mute, dumb child (young person) 5 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Derivation
Language Belarusan
Lexeme 1 не мовіць
Lexeme 2 немаўля
Meaning 1 do not speak
Meaning 2 infant, baby
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Derivation
Language Czech
Lexeme 1 nemluv
Lexeme 2 nemluvně
Meaning 1 don't speak! (prohibitive)
Meaning 2 infant
Reference SSJČ
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Latin
Lexeme infans
Meaning 1 mute statua infans
mute statue
Meaning 2 child (of age) infantes conditores urbis (= Romulus et Remus)
children founders of Rome (Romulus and Remus)
Reference Dvoreckij 1976: 519 Glare: 894 Lewis, Short: 942
Comment Negative formative participle of the verb fāri ‛to speak'. Descendants are Old French enfés (direct), enfant (oblique), French enfant 'child', Franco-Provençal enfant, Italian fante, infante (bookish loan from Latin), Old Occitan enfas (direct), enfant (oblique), Occitan enfant, enfan, Old Portuguese ifante, infante, Galician infante, Portuguese infante, Old Spanish ifante, Spanish infante, Romansch unfant, uffant, affon, iffaunt, unfànt.
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Derivation
Language Polish
Lexeme 1 nie mówić
Lexeme 2 niemowlę
Meaning 1 do not speak
Meaning 2 infant, baby karmić, kąpać niemowlę
to feed, to bathe the baby
Reference WSJP
Comment Also niemowlak, niemowlątko
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Derivation
Language Ukrainian
Lexeme 1 не мовити
Lexeme 2 немовля
Meaning 1 do not speak
Meaning 2 a child who does not yet know how to speak; baby, breast child Від'їжджаючи, він покинув їх [дітей] майже немовлятами (Іван Франко); Пригорнувши до себе двомісячне немовля, раптом заквапилася [Горпина] (Зінаїда Тулуб); Якась дівчина провезла повз них немовля в колясці. І звичайно, в ротику немовляти соска (Микола Руденко); Я відчув, що я безпомічний, як немовля (Юрій Яновський)
Leaving, he left them [the children] almost as babies (Ivan Franko); Holding a two-month-old baby close to her, [Horpina] was suddenly in a hurry;(Zinaida Tulub); A girl drove a baby in a stroller past them. And of course, a nipple in the baby's mouth (Mykola Rudenko); I felt that I was as helpless as a baby (Yuriy Yanovsky)
Reference SUM-11: 5, 338