near shallow 1 realization
NEW Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Soqotri
Lexeme šéˀke
Meaning 1 to approach, to be near wa-ṭáhɛr ˁouyɛ́ghɛn wa-tóˀo šéˀke díˀʸhe bustán di-tímhɛr éḳdem díˀʸhe bɛ́bɛʰ tóˀo ˁod diˀáḷ ˁážeʰ diyáḥŝes (CSOL I 5:12)

So the boy went out, and as he was approaching the palm grove, he saw his father copulating with another woman.

Meaning 2 to be shallow (water) ˁö́bhor ḥa mes rího šéˀke wa-ˁö́bhor boḳ mes rího šέḷḥe (Naumkin et al. 2013a:81)

This well is shallow and that well is deep.

Reference CSOL I: 468 CSOL II: 384 Naumkin et al. 2013: 81