lame bad 7 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Ancient Greek
Lexeme χωλός
Meaning 1 lame person
Meaning 2 (figuratively) maimed, imperfect, defective
Reference LSJ
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language English
Lexeme lame
Meaning 1 lame person The accident left him lame for life.
Meaning 2 bad, nasty, boring, ineffective a lame school; a lame excuse; lame racist jokes
Reference Merriam-Webster
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language French
Lexeme clocher
Meaning 1 to limp Qu'a donc ce coquin à clocher sur un pied? (Nerval, Faust, 1840, p. 88).
Why is this rascal limping on one leg?
Meaning 2 to be bad, to not work properly ce raisonnement cloche
this reasoning is weak
Reference CNRTL
Comment The first meaning is obsolete; if used in it, the verb applies mostly to inanimate objects such as a chair, an armchair etc.
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language French
Lexeme boiter
Meaning 1 to limp, be lame boiter du pied droit
to be lame on the right leg
Meaning 2 to be bad, to not work properly raisonnement qui boite
a weak reasoning
Reference Larousse online
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme хромать
Meaning 1 to limp, be lame Распухла моя нога, как бревно, стал я хромать. Скиталец, Сквозь строй.
My leg was swollen like a log and I began to limp.
Meaning 2 to be bad, imperfect В зимние месяцы аварий было больше, чем в прошлом году, технология хромала. Крымов, Инженер.
There were more accidents this winter than last year, the technology was imperfect.
Reference MAS
ACCEPTED Realization 6
Type Polysemy
Language Serbian
Lexeme хрaмати (hramati)
Meaning 1 to limp, to be lame хрaмати на десну ногу
to limp on the right foot
Meaning 2 to be bad, imperfect хрaмати из математике (у математици)
to be bad at maths
Reference Vujanitsh et al. 2007: 1471
ACCEPTED Realization 7
Type Polysemy
Language Spanish
Lexeme cojo
Meaning 1 lame person
Meaning 2 (of an immaterial thing) poorly founded, or incomplete razonamiento cojo
lame reasoning
Reference DRAE