head mushroom cap 3 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language French
Lexeme tête
Meaning 1 head
Meaning 2 head of a mushroom Croissance fantastique du champignon qui monte en brandissant sur sa tête ronde la feuille qui l'a vu naître
Fantastic growth of the mushroom which rises brandishing on its round head the leaf which gave birth to it
Reference CNRTL
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Komi
Lexeme юр
Meaning 1 head
Meaning 2 head of a mushroom
Reference Beznosikova et al. 2000
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Meadow Mari
Lexeme вуй
Meaning 1 head
Meaning 2 head of a mushroom Куптырвоҥго вуй иктаж вич сантиметр кумдыкан лиеш
Morel head is about five centimeters wide.
Reference Marij jylme muter