to wait ready 1 realization
NEW Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Vietnamese
Lexeme chực
Meaning 1 to wait (for) Đứng chực bên đường chờ хе buýt
to stand by the road waiting for the bus (стоять наготове у дороги в ожидании автобуса)
Meaning 2 to be ready; to be about to do something
Reference SEAlang Vietnamese Bùi Hiền 2017: 221 Glebova, Sokolov 1992: 127
Comment 'wait (for); expect, await; be on the watch (for), lie in wait (for)' (SEAlang Vietnamese); 'be ready' (Bùi Hiền 2017), 'be ready; going to do smth.' (Glebova, Sokolov 1992).