clothes thing 2 realizations
NEW Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Koryak
lexeme кимитгʼын
meaning 1 clothes
meaning 2 thing
reference Žukova 1990: 44
NEW Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Soqotri
lexeme 1 bíššoḷ
lexeme 2 bíľe (du. biľíti, pl. bíššoḷ)
meaning 1 clothes

kánoʰ šin ẓ̂ayέfɛʰ íˁrɛm héʸhen emboríyeʰ bíššoḷ di-šker ‘We had a feast, and the children wore their best clothes’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:244)

meaning 2 thing

ˁóbiľk bíľe di-ˀaḷ-taˁtebíľin ‘You are repairing a thing which cannot be repaired’ (Bulakh 2024:140) 

reference CSOL I: 514 CSOL II: 431

The meaning 'clothes' is only attested for the plural form of bíľe 'thing'