#0752 to carry to endure 14 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Ancient Greek
lexeme ὀχέω
meaning 1 to carry
meaning 2 to stand, to bear
comment LSJ 1280
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Ancient Greek
lexeme φέρω
meaning 1 to carry
meaning 2 to bear, to stand
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Derivation
language Arabic
lexeme 1 ḥamala
lexeme 2 ʔiḥtamala
meaning 1 to carry (a burden) حَمَلَتْ حَمْلًا خَفِيفًا
She bore a light burden. 
meaning 2 to bear

إِنَّا ٱقْتَسَمْنَا خُطَّتَيْنَا بَيْنَنَا 

فَحَمَلْتَ بَرَّةَ وَٱحْتَمَلْتُ فَجَارِ 

Verily we have divided our two qualities between us, and thou hast borne as thy share goodness, and I have borne as my share wickedness.
reference BK: I 494-495 Lane: 646
comment Cf. Hbr. ḥāmal 'to have compassion, to treat with consideration' (HALOT root no. 2973).
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Armenian
lexeme krel
meaning 1 to carry
meaning 2 to suffer, to undergo patižǝ krel, tanǰank(h)ner krel
to serve a prison term, to bear sufferings
comment АрмРС 369
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Armenian
lexeme tanel
meaning 1 to carry
meaning 2 to stand, to bear
comment АрмРС 648
ACCEPTED Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Botlikh
lexeme барлIи
meaning 1 to carry, to bear
meaning 2 to endure сураб гьагар барлIи
to endure severe pain;
reference Alekseev, Azaev 2019: 50
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Polysemy
language English
lexeme bear
meaning 1 to transfer, to transport [НБАРС 205] to bear a banner
to bear a banner [НБАРС 205]
meaning 2 to stand, to bear [НБАРС 183] to bear pain
to stand pain [НБАРС 205]
comment The same in Icel. Bera
ACCEPTED Realization 8
type Polysemy
language Geez
lexeme ṣora
meaning 1 to carry yəʯeyyəs təsor ʯos wa-sewa (Sir. 22:15)
You better carry sand and salt.
meaning 2 to bear ʔi-təkəl sawirotomu la-ʔəkuyn ʔəlla yəbəlu rəʔəsomu hawryt Apoc, 2:2
You cannto stand the wicked who say that they are apostles.
reference CDG: 567
ACCEPTED Realization 9
type Polysemy
language German
lexeme tragen
meaning 1 to carry [НЕМ 847] etw. Ueber den Bach tragen
to carry smth over a stream [Нем. 847]
meaning 2 to stand, to bear [НЕМ 847] etw. mit Geduld tragen
to stand smth patiently [НЕМ 847]
comment Also ertragen 'to stand, to bear' [НЕМ 290]
ACCEPTED Realization 10
type Polysemy
language Kildin Saami
lexeme кӯннѣтэ
meaning 1 to carry, to trasnport кӯннѣтэ парна кӣд альн
to carry a child in one's arms
meaning 2 to endure кӯннѣтэ грӣб ю̄лькэ альн
to have flu and to stay on the move
reference Kuruč 1985: 133
ACCEPTED Realization 11
type Polysemy
language Middle Persian (Pahlavi)
lexeme bar-
meaning 1 to carry, to trasnport
meaning 2 to stand, to bear
comment This root has similar polysemy in many Iranian languages: ЭСИЯ 2, 85 etc.
ACCEPTED Realization 12
type Derivation
language Russian
lexeme 1 nesti
lexeme 2 perenosit'
meaning 1 to carry нести груз
to carry a load
meaning 2 to bear он мужественно переносил несчастье
He bore the misery with courage.
comment Cf. also сносить (оскорбление) 'to bear insults', выносить (унижения) 'to bear humiliations'
NEW Realization 13
type Polysemy
language Sumerian
lexeme il₂ /il/
meaning 1 to carry
meaning 2 to endure
reference ePSD2
ACCEPTED Realization 14
type Polysemy
language Swahili
lexeme beba
meaning 1 to carry on one's back asiye nа mtoto nа abebe jiwe
who is childless let him carry a stone on one's back (saying)
meaning 2 to bear, to stand
comment Polikanov