to fill (tr.) to fulfill, accomplish 17 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Ancient Greek
lexeme ἐκ-πίμπλημι
meaning 1 to fill
meaning 2 to realize
comment LSJ 516
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Ancient Greek
lexeme πληρόω
meaning 1 to fill
meaning 2 to fulfil, to realize
comment LSJ 1419-1420
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Armenian
lexeme glxel
meaning 1 to fill
meaning 2 to finish
comment АрмРС 159-160
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Derivation
language Danish
lexeme 1 fylde
lexeme 2 opfylde
meaning 1 to fill (tr.) fylde lungerne med luft
to fill one’s lungs with air
meaning 2 to carry out opfylde kravene
to fulfil the requirements
reference DDO
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Derivation
language English
lexeme 1 fill
lexeme 2 fulfil
meaning 1 to fill to fill the petrol tank
to fill the tank with gasoline
meaning 2 to fulfil, to complete (a task etc) [OERD 560] to fulfil one's promise
to fulfil one's promise
ACCEPTED Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Geez
lexeme malʔa
meaning 1 to fill, to be full malʔa ʔaḥsəlihomu ṣərnya
Their sacks were filled with grain.
meaning 2 to be completed, fulfilled malʔa ṣəḥfat zəntu maṣḥaf ʔama 10 maskaram
The writing of this book was finished on the 20th of Mascaram (September)
reference LLA: 148-149 CDG: 342
comment Cf. Amh. (AED 140), Old Hebr. (HALOT 584).
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Polysemy
language German
lexeme erfüllen
meaning 1 to fill das Zimmer war mit Rauch erfüllt
The room was filled with smoke.
meaning 2 to fulfil den Vertrag erfüllen
to satisfy an agreement
comment ###The same as realization 6
ACCEPTED Realization 8
type Polysemy
language German
lexeme erfüllen
meaning 1 to fill [Duden 1074] Qualm erfüllte das Zimmer [Duden 1074]
the smoke filled the room
meaning 2 to fulfil (duty, demands etc) einem Kind jeden Wunsch erfüllen [Duden 1074]
to fulfil the child's every wish
ACCEPTED Realization 9
type Derivation
language Icelandic
lexeme 1 fylla
lexeme 2 uppfylla
meaning 1 to fill (tr.) ég fyllti fötu af vatni
I filled a bucket with water
meaning 2 to carry out ósk hennar hefur verið uppfyllt
her dream was realised
reference ISLEX
ACCEPTED Realization 10
type Polysemy
language Komi
lexeme тыртны
meaning 1 to fill ыркыд сынöд тыртiс жырсö
the cool air filled the room
meaning 2 to fulfil план тыртны
to fulfil the plan
comment КомиРС 670
ACCEPTED Realization 11
type Polysemy
language Latin
lexeme compleo, -ere
meaning 1 to fill
meaning 2 to fulfil, to finish
comment (Glare 377-378)
ACCEPTED Realization 12
type Derivation
language Norwegian
lexeme 1 fylle
lexeme 2 oppfylle
meaning 1 to fill (tr.) fylle et kar med vann
to fill a vessel with water
meaning 2 to carry out oppfylle et ønske
to carry out a desire
reference BO
ACCEPTED Realization 13
type Polysemy
language Romanian
lexeme a împlini
meaning 1 to fill a împlini un sac cu făină
to fill the sack with flour
meaning 2 to fulfil a împlini dorinţele părinţilor
to fulfil the parents' wish
reference DEX98
comment DRRS 1, 1073, DEX98
ACCEPTED Realization 14
type Derivation
language Russian
lexeme 1 polnyj
lexeme 2 ispolnit'
meaning 1 full, complete полная чаша
full cup
meaning 2 to fulfil исполнить обещанное
to fulfil a promise
ACCEPTED Realization 15
type Polysemy
language Sanskrit
lexeme pūrtá
meaning 1 full, filled, complete , completed , perfected
meaning 2 fulfilling , fulfilment
comment MW642, Кочергина 403
ACCEPTED Realization 16
type Derivation
language Swedish
lexeme 1 fylla
lexeme 2 uppfylla
meaning 1 to fill (tr.) fylla glaset med mjölk
to fill a glass with milk
meaning 2 to carry out de uppfyllde hennes minsta önskan
they made her least dream come true
reference SAO
ACCEPTED Realization 17
type Polysemy
language Yakut
lexeme толор-
meaning 1 to fill отонноон иhитин толордо
He filled a bowl with berries
meaning 2 to fulfil 1) кини нуорматын толордо
1) he discharged a task 2) he fulfilled my request
comment ЯРС 388.