to throw to accuse, blame 4 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Derivation
Language Ancient Greek
Lexeme 1 ballo
Lexeme 2 diaballo
Meaning 1 to throw
Meaning 2 to accuse, to calumniate
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Classical Arabic
Lexeme ramā´
Meaning 1 to throw, cast, fling ramāhu bi-ḥiǧārat-in 'he threw at him with stones'
Meaning 2 to reproach, upbraid ramāhu bi-ḳabīḥ-in 'he approached him with a thing that was bad, evil'
Comment (Lane 1161-1162).
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Derivation
Language Geez
Lexeme 1 wadaya
Lexeme 2 ʔastawādaya
Meaning 1 to throw ʔi-tədayu bāḥrəyakəmu ḳədma ʔaḥrəw ‘do not throw your pearls before pigs’ (Matth. 7:6)
Meaning 2 to accuse of a crime, to callumniate, to incriminate, to accuse wa-tanśǝʔa liḳa kāh(ǝ)nāt wa-yəbelo ʔi-tsamməʕnu za-maṭanazə yāstawāddəyuka ‘and the head of the preasts stood up and told him: have you not heard that to this extend they accuse you?’ (Matth. 26:62)
Comment (LLA 933-934).
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language German
Lexeme vorwerfen
Meaning 1 to throw forwards den Tieren Futter vorwerfen 'to throw the fodder to the beasts' (Duden 4390)
Meaning 2 to accuse er warf ihr vor, sie habe ihn betrogen 'he accused her that she betrayed him' (Duden 4391)
Comment Cp. German werfen 'to throw'.