otter (Lutra lutra) nutria, coypu 1 realization
NEW Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Spanish
Lexeme nutria
Meaning 1 otter (Lutra lutra)
Meaning 2 (Argentina) nutria, coypu
Reference DRAE Corominas, Pascual

From Vulgar Latin *nutria or *lutria / *lutrea, from Latin lutra 'otter'. The Spanish word, preserving the -t-, may have arrived through the intermediate of either Mozarabic or more likely a Southern Italian language or dialect: cf. Salerno dialect (of Neapolitan) nùtria, Calabrian ùtria and lùtria, utre in Basilicata, etc. The Vulgar Latin form was likely influenced by Ancient Greek ἐνυδρίς 'otter'.