to be confused to be surprised 3 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language English
Lexeme to amaze
Meaning 1 to confuse

The many musits thought the which he goes / Are like a labyrinth to amaze his foes.

Meaning 2 to surprise

She was amazed that someone could be serious about something so incredibly absurd

Reference English Wiktionary

The first meaning is flagged as obsolete in the dictionaries. Example for first meaning is taken from Wiktionary and is by W. Shakespeare

ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Hill Mari
Lexeme ӧрӓш
Meaning 1 to be confused, not know what to do
Meaning 2 to be surprised
Reference Savatkova 2008
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Turkish
Lexeme şaşmak
Meaning 1 to be confused

Genç kızlar erkeklerin iltifatlarına nasıl karşılık vereceklerini şaşırmışlardı

Young girls were confused as to how to respond to men's compliments

Meaning 2 to be surprised

Aynı anda nasıl olur da başka bir iş tutabileceğine şaşar kalırdınız

You would be surprised about how s/he could take on another job at the same time

Reference GTS