to ask (for) to need 1 realization
NEW Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Udihe
Lexeme гэлэ-
Meaning 1 to ask (for)

Ваи дигалами гэлэлиэни

Vai [name] began to ask for food

Meaning 2 to need

Иӈэвэ, иуптэвэ, сиэктэвэ, бӯ ӡоловани, лэхэӈкиэвэ - тэŷмэни буа хуэндини гэлэивэ нэдэити.

Needles, ointment, threads, flints, moss [are put in a waist bag] - everything that is needed in the taiga

Reference Simonov, Kyalundzyuga 1998: 283-285