as, like when 8 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Danish
Lexeme som
Meaning 1 as, like

stærk som en bjørn

strong as a bear

Meaning 2 when

Han tager pigens hånd, netop som hun vender sig for at gå.

He takes the girl's hand, just as she turns to leave.

Reference DDO
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language English
Lexeme as
Meaning 1 as, like

soft as silk

Meaning 2 when

spilled the milk as she got up

Reference Merriam-Webster
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language French
Lexeme comme
Meaning 1 as, like

Il est malin comme un singe.

He is smart as a monkey.

Meaning 2 when

Comme nous approchions de la ville, il s'est mis à pleuvoir.

As we were approaching the city, it started raining.

Reference Larousse online
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language Italian
Lexeme come
Meaning 1 as, like

Mangia come un lupo.

He is eating like a wolf.

Meaning 2 when

Come gli capitò fra le mani, gliene diede di santa ragione.

As it fell into his hands, he gave him a thrashing;

Reference Vocabolario Treccani
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Polysemy
Language Norwegian
Lexeme som
Meaning 1 as, like

Ingenting var som før.

Nothing was the way it was before.

Meaning 2 when

Som hans nakne føtter traadte paa gulvet, isnet det gjennem ham.

As his bare feet stepped on the floor, he froze.

Reference NAOB
ACCEPTED Realization 6
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme как
Meaning 1 as, like

На улице было множество людей, как в праздник. (Тихонов, Семья)

There was a lot of people in the street, just like on a holiday. (Tikhonov, Family)

Meaning 2 when

— Я к ним еще вернусь. — Когда? — Да вот как в Петербург поеду. (Тургенев, Отцы и дети.)

— I will come back to them. — When? — When I go to Saint Petersburg. (Turgenev, Fathers and Sons)

Reference MAS
ACCEPTED Realization 7
Type Polysemy
Language Spanish
Lexeme como
Meaning 1 as, like

Lo hizo como su maestra.

He did it like his teacher.

Meaning 2 when

Como llegamos a la posada, se dispuso la cena.

As we arrived at the inn, dinner was arranged.

Reference Real Academia Española Diccionario
ACCEPTED Realization 8
Type Polysemy
Language Swedish
Lexeme som
Meaning 1 as, like

Som jag vore lika vacker som du, skulle jag vara lycklig.

If I were as beautiful as you, I would be happy.

Meaning 2 when

Som hon öppnade bil­dörren körde cyklisten förbi.

As she opened the car door, the cyclist drove by

Reference SAO