#8421 goat bagpipes 6 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language German
lexeme Bock
meaning 1 goat
meaning 2 bagpipes

Der Bock hat meistens einen Bordun zwei Oktaven unter dem Grundton.

reference <personally collected data>

a type of bagpipe, were played in Central Europe in what are the modern states of Austria, Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic

ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Borrowing
language 1 Gothic
language 2 Spanish
lexeme 1 gaits
lexeme 2 gaita
meaning 1 goat
meaning 2 bagpipes
reference Corominas, Pascual

Wanderword. Also Basque gaita, Portuguese gaita, Bulgarian гайда,  Macedonian гајда, Serbo-Croatian га̑јде, Greek γκάιντα, Romanian gaidă, Slovak gajdy, Turkish gayda, Arabian ḡayṭa (غَيْطَة‎) (probably from Ladino, with Sephardic Jews who migrated to the Balkan Peninsula in the 16th century).

ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Derivation
language Occitan
lexeme 1 cabro
lexeme 2 cabreto
meaning 1 goat
meaning 2 bagpipes
reference CNRTL

French cabrette 'a type of bagpipe which appeared in Auvergne, France in the 19th century', chevrette 'a bagpipe used in the Limousin region of central France'(chabreta in Occitan Limousin) .

ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Polish
lexeme koza
meaning 1 goat
meaning 2 bagpipes

Podobnie żywiołowo przyjęte zostało pojawienie się na scenie Sebastiana Karpiela-Bułecki, który śpiewał i grał na skrzypkach, a w piosence „Kac” także na kozie, czyli polskiej odmianie szkockich dud. (NKJP: (mz): Góralska muzyka z powerem, Sztafeta, 46/2006)

Teraz sam uczy młodych zakopiańczyków gry na kozie. (NKJP: Jolanta Flach: Koza swoje humory ma, Tygodnik Podhalański, nr 6, 1999)

The appearance on stage of Sebastian Karpiel-Bułecka, who sang and played the violin, and in the song "Kac" also played the goat, a Polish version of the Scottish bagpipes, was similarly enthusiastically received.

Now he teaches young people from Zakopane how to play the bagpipes

reference WSJP
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme коза
meaning 1 goat
meaning 2 (dialect) bagpipes
reference SRNG: 14, 56

Ryazan' and Tula regions, 1858

ACCEPTED Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Ukrainian
lexeme коза
meaning 1 she-goat
meaning 2 bagpipes

 Грають [пастухи].. на своїх інструментах: козі і дерев'яній дудці (Михайло Коцюбинський, III, 1956, 412); Трапляються.. іноді дуже цікаві [інструменти],.. що їх вживають гуцули: флояра та денцівка, зроблені на зразок сопілки, трембіта, ..коза (Історія української музики, 1922)

reference SUM-11: 4, 209
comment Українські народні музичні інструменти. — К.: Техніка, 2003