to tear (intr.) to begin (intr.) 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Turkish
lexeme kop-
meaning 1 to tear off, peel off

ip koptu

the rope tore off. 

meaning 2 to begin instantly, out of the blue

fırtına koptu

the storm started 

reference Baskakov 1977: 561
NEW Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Turkish
lexeme patlamak
meaning 1 to burst

balon patladı

the baloon burst

meaning 2 to begin (intr.), to start unexpectedly

1) harp patladı 

2) fırtına patladı

1) the war started

2) the storm started

reference Baskakov 1977: 715