to bypass to evade 4 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language English
lexeme bypass
meaning 1 to pass by going around
meaning 2 to ignore the usual channels or procedures

to bypass the law

reference OED
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Komi-Permyak
lexeme орддьыны
meaning 1 to bypass
meaning 2 to evade, to avoid
reference <personally collected data>

ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme обойти
meaning 1 to bypass
meaning 2 to avoid
reference BTS
NEW Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Serbian
lexeme заобићи (zaobići)
meaning 1 to bypass

Pola vozila je parkirano na kolovozu a pola na trotoaru, što otežava kretanje pešacima jer moraju da siđu sa trotoara na kolovoz da bi zaobišli vozilo.

Half of the vehicles are parked on the road and half on the sidewalk, which makes it difficult for pedestrians to move because they have to get off the sidewalk onto the road to bypass the vehicle.

meaning 2 to evade

Pravna država jeste bolja od nepravne jer je svakoj vlasti teško da zaobiđe zakon i tako dođe u opasnost da jednom za to odgovara.

A rule of law is better than a unlawful state, because it is difficult for any government to bypass the law and thus run the risk of being held responsible for it.

reference CLARIN.SI Vujanitsh et al. 2007: 405