to open one's eyes wide to be surprised 4 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Hill Mari
lexeme сӹнзӓ цӓркӓ гань
meaning 1 eyes wide (lit. like a cup)
meaning 2 to be very surprised
reference Savatkova 2008

The direction is evident from the non-compositionality of the second meaning

ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Japanese
lexeme me wo miharu (目を見張る)
meaning 1 to open one's eyes wide


He opens his eyes so widely they tear at the corners

meaning 2 to be amazed

その 新米のセールスマンが、トップの 販売 実績をあげた やり方指導員の目を見はらせた

The manner in which the new salesman made top sales level was an eye-opener to his supervisor

reference Jisho

The direction is evident because of the non-compositionality of the second meaning

ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Komi
lexeme баргысьны
meaning 1 to stare
meaning 2 to be very surprised
reference Beznosikova et al. 2000

Dialectal form

ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Meadow Mari
lexeme шинчам караш
meaning 1 to open one's eyes wide

Мотри, Бертан ӱмбакыже шинчатым пешыжак ит каркале, саҥгашкет пуля логал кертеш

Do not gaze in the direction of Berta, a bullet might hit you in the forehead

meaning 2 to be surprised

 Кукушкин адак казна оксам шотлен онча да шинчам карен шинчеш – окса адак ок сите

Khukhushkin counts the state money and opens his eyes wide, there is not enough money again

reference Mari-Russian idiomatic dictionary

The direction of the shift is evident form the non-compositionality of the second meaning