Related shifts
ID | Meaning 1 | Direction | Meaning 2 |
ACCEPTED Realization 1 | ||
type | Motivation | |
language | Belarusan | |
lexeme 1 | чорт | |
lexeme 2 | чортаў палец | |
meaning 1 | evil spirit | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | belemnite | |
reference | <personally collected data> | |
comment | Беларуска-расійскі слоўнік. Менск: Дзяржаўнае выдавецтва Беларусі, 1925. Факсімільнае выданьне: Менск: Народная асвета, 1993. |
ACCEPTED Realization 2 | ||
type | Motivation | |
language | Danish | |
lexeme 1 | vætte | |
lexeme 2 | vættelys | |
meaning 1 | lower deity or supernatural small being who, according to Norse mythology and folk belief, lived underground, in nature or near human habitation, and with whom it was important to be on good terms with | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | belemnite | |
reference | DDO | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 3 | ||
type | Motivation | |
language | English | |
lexeme 1 | elf | |
lexeme 2 | elf-bolt | |
meaning 1 | any from a race of mythical, supernatural beings resembling but seen as distinct from human beings. They are usually delicate-featured and skilled in magic or spellcrafting | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | belemnite | |
reference | OED | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 4 | ||
type | Motivation | |
language | Estonian | |
lexeme 1 | kurat | |
lexeme 2 | kuradi sõrm | |
meaning 1 | evil spirit | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | belemnite | Nad sarnanesid nüüdisaegsete kalmaaridega, nende koonilisi sisekodasid kutsutakse rahvapäraselt kuradi sõrmedeks. |
reference | <personally collected data> | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 5 | ||
type | Motivation | |
language | German | |
lexeme 1 | Alb | |
lexeme 2 | Albschoß | |
meaning 1 | elf, especially an evil one | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | belemnite | |
reference | Kluge 1967: 138 | |
comment | Also Albstein |
ACCEPTED Realization 6 | ||
type | Motivation | |
language | German | |
lexeme 1 | Teufel | |
lexeme 2 | Teufelsfinger | |
meaning 1 | devil, satan | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | belemnite | |
reference | Kluge 1967: 138 | |
comment | Also Teufelskegel |
ACCEPTED Realization 7 | ||
type | Motivation | |
language | German | |
lexeme 1 | Zwerg | |
lexeme 2 | Zwergstein | |
meaning 1 | evil spirit | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | belemnite | |
reference | Kluge 1967: 138 | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 8 | ||
type | Motivation | |
language | German | |
lexeme 1 | Gespenst | |
lexeme 2 | Gespensterkerze | |
meaning 1 | evil spirit | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | belemnite | |
reference | <personally collected data> | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 9 | ||
type | Motivation | |
language | Kazakh | |
lexeme 1 | шайтан | |
lexeme 2 | шайтан саусағы | |
meaning 1 | evil spirit | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | belemnite | Қазба кезінде жеке табылған белемниттердің рострлары “шайтан саусағы”деп аталады. |
reference | <personally collected data> | |
comment | |
ACCEPTED Realization 10 | ||
type | Motivation | |
language | Komi | |
lexeme 1 | куль | |
lexeme 2 | кульчунь | |
meaning 1 | evil spirit | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | belemnite | |
reference | Beznosikova et al. 2000 | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 11 | ||
type | Motivation | |
language | Komi | |
lexeme 1 | бес | |
lexeme 2 | бесчунь | |
meaning 1 | devil, demon | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | belemnite | |
reference | Beznosikova et al. 2000 | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 12 | ||
type | Motivation | |
language | Russian | |
lexeme 1 | чёрт | |
lexeme 2 | чёртов палец | |
meaning 1 | evil spirit | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | belemnite | |
reference | Tolstoj 1995 | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 13 | ||
type | Motivation | |
language | Swedish | |
lexeme 1 | vätte | |
lexeme 2 | vätteljus (vættelys) | |
meaning 1 | evil spirit | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | belemnite | Vätteljus (vættelys) kallades i södra Småland, Skåne och Danmark fossil av belemniter, en utdöd ordning av tvågälade bläckfiskar. Dessa fossil troddes vara ljus som vättarna lämnat efter sig där de dansat och lekt på en plats. Vätteljusen troddes även kunna skydda mot sådana sjukdomar som vättarna sände på folk |
reference | <personally collected data> | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 14 | ||
type | Motivation | |
language | Udmurt | |
lexeme 1 | шайтан | |
lexeme 2 | шайтанчиньы | |
meaning 1 | evil spirit | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | belemnite | |
reference | Kirillova 2008 | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 15 | ||
type | Motivation | |
language | Ukrainian | |
lexeme 1 | чорт | |
lexeme 2 | чортiв палець | |
meaning 1 | evil spirit | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | belemnite | Вченим, які досліджують палеотемпературу, багато розповіли всім відомі "чортові пальці" - загострені мінеральні утвори, схожі на крупнокаліберні кулі (Наука.., 10, 1968, 35) |
reference | SUM-11 | |
comment |