to burn (intr.) to incur losses 4 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Farsi
lexeme سوختن suxtan
meaning 1 to burn (to ashes), to scald هیزم سوخت hizom suxt
firewood burned
meaning 2 to sustain losses, to go bankrupt
reference Rubinčik 1970: 2, 66
comment ПРС 479.
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Hungarian
lexeme leég
meaning 1 to burn (intr.) Leégett a háza.
His house burnt down.
meaning 2 to incur losses Nagyon leégtem ebben a hónapban.
I went broke his month.
reference MEK 1978
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Derivation
language Russian
lexeme 1 сгореть
lexeme 2 погореть
meaning 1 to be burned out У Ивана сгорела дача

Ivan's dacha burned down
meaning 2 to lose money Иван погорел на 100000 рублей.
Ivan sustained losses of 100000 roubles.
reference MAS: III, 168

Глагол погореть раньше тоже мог означать to be burned out:

в 1360 погорел Подол с Гончарским концом [С. М. Соловьев. История России с древнейших времен. Том 4] 'In 1360 there was a fire in Podol and the Potter quarter' [S.M. Solovyov. The history of Russia from earliest times. Vol. 4]

Также современное разговорное, устаревшее: Пшеница погорела от засухи 'Wheat burned due to drought'.

С. также погорелец 'the one whose house burned down/

ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Tuvan
lexeme өрттен-
meaning 1 to burn, to catch fire
meaning 2 to go under, to go bankrupt,