crane (Grus) <dance> 7 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Ancient Greek
lexeme γέρανος
meaning 1 crane (Grus)
meaning 2 dance resembling the movements of the crane
reference LSJ

Lucian, De saltatione 34, Plutarch, Theseus 21: "On his voyage from Crete, Theseus put in at Delos, and having sacrificed to the god and dedicated in his temple the image of Aphrodite which he had received from Ariadne, he danced with his youths a dance which they say is still performed by the Delians, being an imitation of the circling passages in the Labyrinth, and consisting of certain rhythmic involutions and evolutions. This kind of dance, as Dicaearchus tells us, is called by the Delians The Crane, and Theseus danced it round the altar called Keraton, which is constructed of horns ( ‘kerata’) taken entirely from the left side of the head" (Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives. with an English Translation by. Bernadotte Perrin. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press. London. William Heinemann Ltd. 1914. 1. )

ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Bashkir
lexeme 1 торна
lexeme 2 сыңрау торна
meaning 1 crane (Grus)
meaning 2 a kind of folk dance
reference <personally collected data>

'singing crane'

Based on Bashkir folk dance, choreographer Faizi Gaskarov staged the first Bashkir ballet “Crane Song” in 1944

Шагапова Г. Р. Хореография // Башкиры / отв. ред. Р .Г. Кузеев, Е.С. Данилко. М. : Наука, 2015. С. 430, 438-439

ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Belarusan
lexeme журавель
meaning 1 crane (Grus)
meaning 2 a kind of folk dance, imitating the crane (bird)
reference <personally collected data>

Лозка А. Ю. Журавель // Этнаграфія Беларусі: Энцыклапедыя / Редкал. І. П. Шамяк (гл. рэд.) і інш.. — Мн.: Беларуская савецкая энцыклапедыя, 1989. — С. 196–197..
Чурко Ю.М. Белорусский народный танец: историко-теоретический очерк. — Наука и техника, 1972. — С. 132.

ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Modern Greek
lexeme γέρανος
meaning 1 crane (Grus)
meaning 2 traditional dance of Zakynthos
reference <personally collected data>

ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme журавль
meaning 1 crane (Grus)
meaning 2 type of a circle dance
reference SRNG: 9, 229-230

ходить журавля 'to dance' (Даль)

ACCEPTED Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Rutul
lexeme дурна
meaning 1 crane (Grus)
meaning 2 a type of group dance
reference Alisultanov, Sulejmanova 2019: 128
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Polysemy
language Ukrainian
lexeme журавель
meaning 1 crane (Grus)
meaning 2 a kind of folk dance, imitating the crane (bird)

Тут інші журавля скакали, А хто од дудочки потів (Іван Котляревський, I, 1952, 77); Широко розповсюджені [на Дніпропетровщині] .. сюжетні танці — «Швець», «Коваль», .. «Горлиця», «Журавель» і інші (Народна творчість та етнографія, 4, 1958, 85).

reference SUM-11

Курочкин А. В. Архаический свадебный танец-игра «Журавль» // Живая старина. №1, 2003. - . — М., 2003. — № 1. — С. 12–14.
Курочкін О. В. Архаїчний весільний танець-гра "Журавель" ("Бусел") // Наукові записки НаУКМА : Теорія та історія культури. — К.: Києво-Могилянська академія, 2002. — Т. 20–21. — С. 71–75.