#9157 to swallow to restrain, control one’s feelings 1 realization
NEW Realization 1
type Motivation
language Classical Arabic
lexeme 1 بَلَعَ balaˁa
lexeme 2 بَلَعَ balaˁa
meaning 1 to swallow (spittle, water or food)

بَلَعَ الطَّعَامَ (balaˁa ṭ-ṭaˁām-a)

He swallowed the food (means, without chewing it).

meaning 2 to restrain (anger, etc.)

(prov.) لَا يَصْلُحُ رَفِيقًا مِنْ لمْ يَبْتَلِعْ رِيقًا (lā yaṣluhu rafīq-an min lam yabtaliˁ rīq-an);

اِبْتَلَعَ رِيقَه (ˀibtalaˁa rīqa-hu)

He is not suitable, or fit, for being a companion who does not swallow his spittle (means, who does not restrain his anger);

He swallowed his saliva (means, he restrained his anger).

reference Lane: 250, 1203