nail (metal spike)
Pole Star
3 realizations
Related shifts
ID | Meaning 1 | Direction | Meaning 2 |
ACCEPTED Realization 1 | ||
type | Derivation | |
language | Estonian | |
lexeme 1 | nael | |
lexeme 2 | Põhjanael | |
meaning 1 | nail (metal spike) | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | Pole Star | Põhjanaela järgi saab põhjapoolkeral määrata põhjasuunda. The Pole Star can be used to determine the north direction in the northern hemisphere. |
reference | EKSS | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 2 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Levantine Arabic | |
lexeme | mismār (مِسْمَار) | |
meaning 1 | nail (metal spike) | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | Pole Star | |
reference | <personally collected data> | |
comment | recorded by Johann Gottfried Wetzstein Allen, Richard Hinckley Star-Names and Their Meanings. New York, Leipzig, etc.: G.E. Stechert. 1899. P.457 |
ACCEPTED Realization 3 | ||
type | Derivation | |
language | Middle Persian (Pahlavi) | |
lexeme 1 | mēx | |
lexeme 2 | mēx ī mayān ī asmān | |
meaning 1 | nail (metal spike) | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | Pole Star | |
reference | <personally collected data> | |
comment | 'nail in the middle of a sky', also mēx ī gāh 'nail of the throne' Bundahishn 24, Bundahishn 31, Kar-Namag i Ardashir i Pabagan IV, 6 Рак И.В. Зороастрийская мифология. Мифы древнего и раннесредневекового Ирана. СПб., 1998. C. 87 Чунакова О. М. Пехлевийский словарь зороастрийских терминов, мифических персонажей и мифологических символов. М.: Восточная литература. 2004. С. 175 |
Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin World mythology and folklore: thematic classification and areal distribution of motifs. Analytical catalogue
Березкин Ю.Е. Рождение звездного неба: представления о ночных светилах в исторической динамике. — СПб.: МАЭ РАН, 2017. С. 140-144.
Журавлев А. Ф. Язык и миф. Лингвистический комментарий к труду А. Н. Афанасьева "Поэтические воззрения славян на природу". М., 2005. С. 310-311.