to trust / to believe in credit (financial) 2 realizations
NEW Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Modern Greek
lexeme πίστη
meaning 1 to trust / to believe in
meaning 2 the financial transaction which consists either in the lending of money or in the sale of goods to third parties without immediate payment of their price and which is based on the trust that the debtor has the ability and the will to meet his obligations

Εμπορική / αγροτική / βιομηχανική / καταναλωτική / παραγωγική πίστη

H αγροτική πίστη ασκείται από την Aγροτική Tράπε ζα της Ελλάδας

Commercial / agricultural / industrial / consumer / productive credit

Agricultural credit is carried out by the Agricultural Bank of Greece.

reference DSMG
NEW Realization 2
type Derivation
language Turkish
lexeme kredi
meaning 1 trust, respect

kredisini düşürmek

to undermine one's respect, trust

meaning 2 credit (financial)

kredi açmak

to open credit

reference Baskakov 1977: 569