to stand to be, exist 7 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Imonda
lexeme 1 lõh
lexeme 2 -lõh
meaning 1 to stand
meaning 2 copula
reference Heine, Kuteva et al. 2019: 409
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Derivation
language Khwe
lexeme 1 tìín
lexeme 2 tέ
meaning 1 to stand
meaning 2 to be, exist
reference Heine, Kuteva et al. 2019: 409
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Semantic evolution
language 1 Latin
language 2 Spanish
lexeme 1 stare
lexeme 2 estar
meaning 1 to stand
meaning 2 to be (denotes a copula, in a transient fashion); to be (have a temporary or permanent location in space)
reference Corominas, Pascual: II, 776-778
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Semantic evolution
language 1 Latin
language 2 French
lexeme 1 stare
lexeme 2 être
meaning 1 to stand
meaning 2 to be, exist
reference Robert historique

From Middle French and Old French estre and ester, respectively from Early Medieval Latin essere (< esse 'be') and Latin stāre 'stand'. Conjugations reflect both but more so the former.

ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Semantic evolution
language 1 Latin
language 2 Aragones
lexeme 1 stare
lexeme 2 estar
meaning 1 to stand
meaning 2 to be, exist
reference Diccionario ortografico de l'aragonés

Contrary to other Iberian languages, Aragonese only makes use of one verb "to be"

ACCEPTED Realization 6
type Semantic evolution
language 1 Latin
language 2 Catalan
lexeme 1 stare
lexeme 2 estar
meaning 1 to stand
meaning 2 to be; to currently be in a state or have a characteristic (Used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes a temporary state of being); to be located (to be in a place)
reference DIEC2
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Semantic evolution
language 1 Latin
language 2 Galician
lexeme 1 stare
lexeme 2 estar
meaning 1 to stand
meaning 2 to be (denotes a transient quality; a quality expected to change)
reference DRAG