to kill to waste 5 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Hungarian
lexeme öl
meaning 1 to kill

Ne ölj! 

Don't kill!

meaning 2 to spend time (that passes slowly) having fun in some useless way

A hosszú téli estéken játékkal öli az időt.

During the long winter evenings, (s)he passes the time by playing.

reference MEK 1978
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Hungarian
lexeme agyonüt
meaning 1 to kill, to beat to death

Verekedés közben szódásüveggel agyonütötték. 

During a fight, (s)he was beaten to death with a soda bottle.

meaning 2 to waste time, to do something out of boredom to pass the time

Az ebédidőt vagy vacsoraidőt agyon kell ütni a kocsmában egy pohár sör mellett. (Krúdy Gyula)

Lunchtime or dinnertime should be spent in the pub with a glass of beer. (Gyula Krúdy)
reference MEK 1978
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme убить
meaning 1 to kill

убить дракона

to kill the dragon

meaning 2 to waste

Я убил на эту работу полдня

reference МАС
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Serbian
lexeme убити (ubiti)
meaning 1 to kill

A o tome zašto je Princip ubio Ferdinanda, najbolje je rekao sam: "da spasem svoj narod tudjinskog jarma".

And about why Princip killed Ferdinand, he said it best himself: "to save my people from the foreign yoke".

meaning 2 to waste time, to spend time doing unimportant things

Stavio sam slušalice da slušam malo muzike dok igram šah, da ubijem vreme koliko mogu.

I put on my headphones to listen to some music while I play chess, to pass the time as much as I can.

reference CLARIN.SI Vujanitsh et al. 2007: 1360
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Turkish
lexeme öldürmek
meaning 1 to kill

O, ejderhayı öldürdü ve prensesi kurtardı.

He slayed the dragon and saved the princess.

meaning 2 to waste

bütün bir günü öldürdük

We wasted the whole day for nothing

reference Baskakov 1977: 701