error guilt 3 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language English
lexeme fault
meaning 1 error, mistake
meaning 2 guilt

 No, don't blame yourself. It's my fault that we lost the game.
I told them the pie was still too hot. If they burn their tongues, that's their fault.

reference English Wiktionary
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language French
lexeme faute
meaning 1 error, mistake

une faute d’orthographe

a spelling mistake

meaning 2 fault, blame; (law) misdemeanor

c’est de ma faute

I'm to blame (literally, “it's my fault”)

reference CNRTL English Wiktionary
NEW Realization 3
type Derivation
language Hungarian
lexeme 1 hiba
lexeme 2 hibás
meaning 1 error

Majd holnap tán nem lesz idő megtérni, Korrigálni az ősi nagy hibát: Civis urak, nagy baj lészen majd akkor. (Ady Endre)

Then tomorrow there won't be time to repent, to correct the ancient big mistake: Citizens, there will be big trouble then. (Andre Ady)

meaning 2 guilt, fault

Nem a sofőr, hanem az áldozat volt a hibás. Ki a hibás? A szerencsétlenségért te vagy a hibás.

It was not the driver's fault, but the victim's. Who is to blame? It's your fault for the misfortune.

reference MEK 1978