to mix, stir to revolt, rebel 6 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Gagauz
lexeme 1 karıştır-
lexeme 2 karıştırıcı
meaning 1 to mix, to blend
meaning 2 firebrand, instigator, intriguer
comment ГРМС 253.
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Karaim
lexeme булгъа-
meaning 1 to mix, to stir, to shake
meaning 2 to break; to agitate
comment Cf. the derivative булгъар киши 'instigator'
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Osetin
lexeme yzmæntyn
meaning 1 to mix, to stir, to knead
meaning 2 to rebel, to revolt
comment Абаев 4, 281
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Derivation
language Russian
lexeme 1 mutit'
lexeme 2 smuta
meaning 1 to puddle, to rile
meaning 2 riot
comment Ср. Даль: ВЗМУЧАТЬ, взмутить что, делать мутным, помучать, мутить жидкость; взбалтывать, взбивать. Взмущать, возмущать; взмутить или возмутить, волновать, тревожить, беспокоить, приводить в тревожное положение, заставлять опасаться чего, побуждать к ропоту, неудовольствию, к мятежу, производить восстание.
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Swahili
lexeme tibua
meaning 1 to mix, to stir, to shake
meaning 2 to provoke, to embroil
comment Polikanov
NEW Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Turkish
lexeme karışıklık
meaning 1 mixture

Karışıklıkta bazı olağandışı kimyasal bileşikler vardı.

There were some unusual chemical compounds in the mix.

meaning 2 revolution, rebellion

Rus halkı otokrasiye karşı isyan ettiği gibi, karışıklıklar nihayetinde Rus kırsalına yayıldı ve köylüler efendilerinin malikanelerini yakmaya başladı.

Unrest eventually spread to the Russian countryside where peasants began to burn their masters' manors as the Russian people revolted against the autocracy.

reference Baskakov 1977: 516