a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Meaning Explication Aliases Taxon
<capricorn beetle> Animals Show shifts
<clothes> Artifacts Show shifts
<cold steel> Artifacts Show shifts
<colour> N/a Show shifts
<container> N/a Show shifts
<crockery> Artifacts Show shifts
<curse> N/a Show shifts
cabbage N/a Show shifts
caecum (blind gut) a cavity open at one end (such as the blind end of a duct), especially a blind pouch connected to the large intestine between the ileum and the colon N/a Show shifts
cage enclosure made of bars, normally to hold animals N/a Show shifts
calendar system of organizing days. This is done by giving names to periods of time, typically days, weeks, months and years. N/a Show shifts
calf (young cow or bull) young cow or bull N/a Show shifts
calf of a leg N/a Show shifts
callus, corn N/a Show shifts
calm Non-physical Show shifts
camel Animals Show shifts
camomile N/a Show shifts
camp Artifacts Show shifts
campfire, bonfire fire lit outdoors N/a Show shifts
can, to be able Modal Show shifts
Cancer (constellation) constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a crab N/a Show shifts
cancer (disease) disease in which the cells of a tissue undergo uncontrolled (and often rapid) proliferation Mental acts and states Show shifts
candle N/a Show shifts
cannabis N/a Show shifts
cannon (weapon) Artifacts Show shifts
cap peak Artifacts Show shifts
cape Natural objects Show shifts
Capricorn constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a goat N/a Show shifts
capsule (pharmacy) small container containing a dose of medicine N/a Show shifts
captive Human being Show shifts
capybara semi-aquatic South American rodent, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, the largest living rodent N/a Show shifts
carabus (Carabus) Animals Show shifts
caraway (meridian fennel) plant Carum carvi N/a Show shifts
carriage N/a Show shifts
carrion dead flesh, carcasses Physical effect Show shifts
carrot plant, Daucus carota, with edible roots N/a Show shifts
cartilage Body parts Show shifts
case (grammar) Abstract entities Show shifts
case, event Abstract entities Show shifts
cast iron hard and brittle, but strong, alloy of iron, carbon, and silicon, formed by casting in a mould N/a Show shifts
caste N/a Show shifts
castor bean (Ricinus communis) Plants Show shifts
cat Animals Show shifts
cat's-foot (Antennaria) N/a Show shifts
catamaran twin-hulled ship or boat Evaluation Show shifts
catapult a ballistic device used to launch a projectile a great distance without the aid of gunpowder or other propellants – particularly various types of ancient and medieval siege engines N/a Show shifts
cataract (of the eye) clouding of the lens in the eye leading to a decrease in vision N/a Show shifts
caterpillar Animals Show shifts
caterpillar track N/a Show shifts
catkin Plants Show shifts
catnip (Nepeta cataria) Plants Show shifts
cattle Animals Show shifts
caul, amniotic sac Body parts Show shifts
cauldron Artifacts Show shifts
cause, reason None Abstract entities Show shifts
cautious N/a Show shifts
cave Natural objects Show shifts
cavity, hollow Natural objects Show shifts
ceiling Artifacts Show shifts
celebrity Human being Show shifts
celery herb (Apium graveolens) Artifacts Show shifts
cell (in biology) basic unit of a living organism, consisting of a quantity of protoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane N/a Show shifts
cell (of a political party, organization) Artifacts Show shifts
cell (of honeycomb) small hexagonal compartment in a honeycomb N/a Show shifts
cellar N/a Show shifts
cemetery place where the dead are buried; a graveyard N/a Show shifts
censer a vessel for smoking incense during worship N/a Show shifts
centre Space Show shifts
centrifuge device in which a mixture of denser and lighter materials (normally dispersed in a liquid) is separated by being spun about a central axis at high speed N/a Show shifts
century Time Show shifts
cereal type of grass (such as wheat, rice or oats) cultivated for its edible grains Plants Show shifts
chaff Artifacts Show shifts
chaffinch bird Fringilla coelebs N/a Show shifts
chain (n.) Artifacts Show shifts
chalk N/a Show shifts
chameleon Animals Show shifts
champignon (Agaricus) N/a Show shifts
champion, winner A person who won a competition N/a Show shifts
channel, opening in a reef N/a Show shifts
chanterelle Plants Show shifts
chapter (of a book) Abstract entities Show shifts
charger, cartridge clip Artifacts Show shifts
charr (Salvelinus) N/a Show shifts
chatter, idle talk Abstract entities Show shifts
cheap Non-physical Show shifts
cheek Body parts Show shifts
cheek-bone Body parts Show shifts
cheerful Non-physical Show shifts
cheerful mood Abstract entities Show shifts
cheese diary food N/a Show shifts
chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) N/a Show shifts
chest (body part) Body parts Show shifts
chestnut N/a Show shifts
chickenpox varicella, is a highly contagious disease caused by the initial infection with varicella zoster virus. The disease results in a characteristic skin rash that forms small, itchy blisters, which eventually scab over N/a Show shifts
child child (son or daughter) / child (young person) Human being Show shifts
child (son or daughter) Human being Show shifts
child (young person) None N/a Show shifts
child before baptism Human being Show shifts
childbirth action of giving birth to a child, as the culmination of pregnancy N/a Show shifts
childless N/a Show shifts
children N/a Show shifts
children's food special food for children or babies N/a Show shifts
chili pepper plant from the genus Capsicum, cultivated for their pungency N/a Show shifts
chin Body parts Show shifts
China nation or civilization occupying the country around the Yellow, Yangtze, and Pearl Rivers in East Asia, taken as a whole under its various dynasties N/a Show shifts
Chionactis occipitalis N/a Show shifts
chip Natural objects Show shifts
chisel N/a Show shifts
cholera N/a Show shifts
chopped billet Artifacts Show shifts
chord (geometry) straight line between two points of a curve N/a Show shifts
chord (music) harmonic set of three or more notes that is heard as if sounding simultaneously N/a Show shifts
Christmas festival/holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ and incorporating various Christian, pre-Christian, pagan and secular customs, which is celebrated on December 25 in most places N/a Show shifts
chrysalis Animals Show shifts
chum salmon fish Oncorhynchus keta N/a Show shifts
cicada Animals Show shifts
cigar N/a Show shifts
cigarette butt None Artifacts Show shifts
cinema Artifacts Show shifts
cipher, code method of transforming a text in order to conceal its meaning N/a Show shifts
circle Natural objects Show shifts
circular halo N/a Show shifts
cirrus (clouds) principal high-level cloud type characterised by white, delicate filaments or wisps, of white (or mostly white) patches, or of narrow bands Physiologic processes and states Show shifts
citron N/a Show shifts
city block smallest part of a town enclosed by streets N/a Show shifts
clandestine activity N/a Show shifts
clapper of a bell N/a Show shifts
clasp, buckle Artifacts Show shifts
class, lesson a period of time when students are being taught something at school or university N/a Show shifts
classical N/a Show shifts
classifier for spherical objects None Artifacts Show shifts
clavicle Body parts Show shifts
claw curved, pointed horny nail on each digit of the foot of a mammal, reptile, bird, or devil Animals Show shifts
claw (of a crustacean) pincer (chela) of a crustacean or other arthropod N/a Show shifts
clay Natural objects Show shifts
clean (adj.) Other physical Show shifts
clever Non-physical Show shifts
clew Artifacts Show shifts
clitoris the small sensitive organ just above the opening of a woman’s vagina which becomes larger when she is sexually excited (Oxford dictionary) N/a Show shifts
close (of relations) Non-physical Show shifts
closed Other physical Show shifts
clot of blood N/a Show shifts
clothes Artifacts Show shifts
clothes moth N/a Show shifts
cloud Natural objects Show shifts
cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) N/a Show shifts
cloudy Non-physical Show shifts
clove (of a garlic) Plants Show shifts
clove, segment Natural objects Show shifts
clover N/a Show shifts
club (a weapon) N/a Show shifts
club-rush (Scirpus) plant Scirpus sp. N/a Show shifts
clubs (in cards) Abstract entities Show shifts
clumsy Non-physical Show shifts
cluster of onions N/a Show shifts
coachman man who drives a horse-drawn coach N/a Show shifts
coal Natural objects Show shifts
coast Natural objects Show shifts
coati any of several omnivorous mammals, of the genus Nasua or Nasuella, in order Carnivora, that live in the range from southern United States to northern Argentina N/a Show shifts
cobalt (metal) N/a Show shifts
coccyx, tailbone final (bottom-most) fused vertebrae at the base of the spine Possession Show shifts
cock (of a gun) hammer of a firearm trigger mechanism that strikes the cartridge capsule or strikes with a flint to make a spark (in a gun with a percussion flintlock) Artifacts Show shifts
cockchafer any of the large European beetles from the genus Melolontha N/a Show shifts
cockroach Animals Show shifts
cod Animals Show shifts
codfish N/a Show shifts
codling moth larva caterpillar of Cydia pomonella N/a Show shifts
coffee N/a Show shifts
coffin Artifacts Show shifts
coin N/a Show shifts
cold None Natural objects Show shifts
cold (disease) None Physiology Show shifts
Coleus (Plectranthus) rotundifolius perennial herbaceous plant of the mint family (Lamiaceae) native to tropical Africa. It is cultivated for its edible tubers primarily in West Africa, as well as more recently in parts of Asia, especially India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Indonesia N/a Show shifts
collar Artifacts Show shifts
collarbone a slender, S-shaped long bone approximately 6 inches (15 cm) long that serves as a strut between the shoulder blade and the sternum (breastbone) (Wiki) N/a Show shifts
colored leaves N/a Show shifts
colour Abstract entities Show shifts
columbine (Aquilegia) Plants Show shifts
comb Artifacts Show shifts
comb (of a bird) Body parts Show shifts
comet small Solar System body consisting mainly of volatile ice, dust and particles of rock whose very eccentric solar orbit periodically brings it close enough to the Sun that the ice vaporises to form an atmosphere, or coma, which may be blown by the solar wind to produce a visible tail; a celestial phenomenon with the appearance of such a body Natural objects Show shifts
comet Natural objects Show shifts
comfortable Evaluation Show shifts
comma punctuation mark ⟨,⟩ used to indicate a set of parts of a sentence or between elements of a list N/a Show shifts
commerce, business Abstract entities Show shifts
commodity, goods Artifacts Show shifts
common bullfinch bird Pyrrhula pyrrhula Abstract entities Show shifts
common buttercup (Ranunculus acris) N/a Show shifts
common buzzard Buteo buteo, a medium-to-large bird of prey N/a Show shifts
common chipmunk Eutamias sibiricus Non-physical Show shifts
common chub fish Squalius cephalus Plants Show shifts
common dace Leuciscus leuciscus Animals Show shifts
common fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) N/a Show shifts
common jasmine Jasminum officinale N/a Show shifts
common melilot (Melilotus officinalis) N/a Show shifts
common minnow fish Phoxinus phoxinus Animals Show shifts
common quail bird Coturnix coturnix Plants Show shifts
common redstart bird Phoenicurus phoenicurus Tactile quality Show shifts
common reed Phragmites australis N/a Show shifts
common roach N/a Show shifts
common starling bird Sturnus vulgaris Animals Show shifts
common vole N/a Show shifts
common, shared None Interpersonal relations Show shifts
common, shared by several people Non-physical Show shifts
community N/a Show shifts
companion, partner N/a Show shifts
competent Non-physical Show shifts
completion Time Show shifts
complex, complicated N/a Show shifts
complexion Abstract entities Show shifts
compliant, pliable willing or prone to give way to the influence of others; not invincibly rigid or obstinate Non-physical Show shifts
comprehensible Non-physical Show shifts
computer programmable electronic device that performs mathematical calculations and logical operations, especially one that can process, store and retrieve large amounts of data very quickly; now especially, a small one for personal or home use employed for manipulating text or graphics, accessing the Internet, or playing games or media N/a Show shifts
computer mouse N/a Show shifts
condemned to death Human being Show shifts
condom N/a Show shifts
cone (fruit) N/a Show shifts
conjoined fruits conjoined fruits that are usually separate N/a Show shifts
conscience, scruples None Abstract entities Show shifts
consciousness state of being conscious or aware N/a Show shifts
consequence N/a Show shifts
constellation asterism, an arbitrary formation of stars perceived as a figure or pattern, or a division of the sky including it, especially one officially recognised by astronomers N/a Show shifts
content subject matter; semantic information (or a portion or body thereof); that which is contained in writing, speech, video, etc. N/a Show shifts
contents material contained N/a Show shifts
continent Space Show shifts
contract Artifacts Show shifts
contract, treaty N/a Show shifts
conversation Abstract entities Show shifts
coolness (temperature) Abstract entities Show shifts
copper N/a Show shifts
copy of an internet page to be used if the original is down N/a Show shifts
Coracina novaehollandiae black-faced cuckooshrike, a common omnivorous passerine bird native to Australia and southern New Guinea N/a Show shifts
core (of plant) N/a Show shifts
cork bark of the cork oak, which is very light and porous and used for making bottle stoppers, flotation devices, and insulation material N/a Show shifts
corn crake bird Crex crex Animals Show shifts
cornel Plants Show shifts
corner Natural objects Show shifts
corner of the eye corner of the eye Motion Show shifts
cornflower (Centaurea) Plants Show shifts
corpse Natural objects Show shifts
corral, enclosure for cattle N/a Show shifts
correct, right None Non-physical Show shifts
cotton Plants Show shifts
cotton Plants Show shifts
cotton wool soft, absorbent cotton for medical or cosmetic use, protective padding, etc N/a Show shifts
country, land Space Show shifts
countryside (vs. city) None Space Show shifts
coup d'état, revolution change of the ruling power without the traditional procedure, by force. N/a Show shifts
couple N/a Show shifts
courage Abstract entities Show shifts
court (of a sovereign) N/a Show shifts
court of law None N/a Show shifts
cousin (female, parallel) N/a Show shifts
cousin (male) N/a Show shifts
cousin (male, cross-) N/a Show shifts
cousin (male, parallel) N/a Show shifts
cover (of a book) N/a Show shifts
cover, canopy Artifacts Show shifts
cover, lid Artifacts Show shifts
cow N/a Show shifts
cow's nipple nipple of a cow's udder N/a Show shifts
coward Human being Show shifts
cowrie small gastropod (Monetaria moneta, syn. Cypraea moneta) common in the Indian Ocean; its shell N/a Show shifts
crab A kind of decapod crustaceans. N/a Show shifts
cradle Artifacts Show shifts
craftsman person who makes or creates material objects partly or entirely by hand N/a Show shifts
cranberry (Oxycoccus) Plants Show shifts
crane (Grus) Animals Show shifts
craw (of bird) pouch-like part of the alimentary tract of some birds N/a Show shifts
crawfish N/a Show shifts
cream (of milk) Artifacts Show shifts
creditor Human being Show shifts
crescent figure of the moon as it appears between its first or last quarter and the new moon, with concave and convex edges terminating in points N/a Show shifts
crested lark bird Galerida cristata Physiologic processes and states Show shifts
cricket (insect) N/a Show shifts
crime Abstract entities Show shifts
criminal Human being Show shifts
crocodile N/a Show shifts
crook, hooked stick N/a Show shifts
crooked not straight; having one or more bends or angles N/a Show shifts
cross (n.) Artifacts Show shifts
crossbill (Loxia) Animals Show shifts
crossroads Natural objects Show shifts
crossroads Natural objects Show shifts
croup (illness) infectious illness of the larynx, especially in young children, causing respiratory difficulty N/a Show shifts
crow Animals Show shifts
crow foot None Plants Show shifts
crowd (of people) N/a Show shifts
crown (n.) Artifacts Show shifts
crucian Animals Show shifts
cruel Non-physical Show shifts
cuckold N/a Show shifts
cuckoo Animals Show shifts
cucumber Plants Show shifts
cultivated (of person) educated; learned; trained; civilized; well behaved person Evaluation Show shifts
cunning person Human being Show shifts
cunning, sly Non-physical Show shifts
cup an open usually bowl-shaped drinking vessel (Merriam-Webster) N/a Show shifts
cupboard, closet N/a Show shifts
cupola, dome Artifacts Show shifts
curly-headed N/a Show shifts
currant-bush Plants Show shifts
current, flow, stream N/a Show shifts
curtain piece of cloth covering a window N/a Show shifts
curve, turn (of road) N/a Show shifts
curved Other physical Show shifts
custom, habit Abstract entities Show shifts
cuttlefish N/a Show shifts
cypress N/a Show shifts