abdomen location of emotions 26 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Akkadian
lexeme karšu, karašu
meaning 1 stomach, belly, womb, body [in]a karšīšina limēṣū šammū
let there be too little food (lit. grass) in their (f.) stomacks
meaning 2 mind, heart nissatu īterub ina karšīya; uṣṣab ureddi awātam ana karšīša
sorrow has entered my heart; he adds persuasiveness to her mind
comment CAD k 223; Dhorme 1963, 133-134
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Amharic
lexeme hod
meaning 1 stomach, belly, abdomen (K 29) hodu lay räggäṭäw
he kicked him in the belly (Leslau 1973:105)
meaning 2 heart, mind antän yämməräsabbät hod yälläñəmm
I do not have a heart with which I will forget you
reference AED: 29
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Chaha
lexeme dän
meaning 1 belly, abdomen, stomach dän ṭäbäṭä- ‘have dysentery, lit. the belly seized (him)’
meaning 2 location of emotions dän anṭä-m 'be discouraged, give up hope, lose hope' (lit. cut belly); dän wära 'kindhearted, easy-going' (lit. 'with kind belly')
comment (LGur. I 43, 122).
NEW Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Doromu-Koki
lexeme uka
meaning 1 abdomen
meaning 2 soul
reference Bradshaw 2021: 198
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language English
lexeme stomach
meaning 1 stomach
meaning 2 determination, inclination, position People had no further stomach for war (OED)

comment OED.
ACCEPTED Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Evenki
lexeme эмугде
meaning 1 guts
meaning 2 soul, heart эмугдедӯви сингнӣдечэв, аял турэр хунат эмугдэвэн илэчэчэтын , эмугдэв энудерэн , хэгды синңи, омолги, эмугдэе ачин
'in my heart I was sorry’, ‘the words of sympathy moved the girl's heart’, ‘my heart bleeds’, ‘you have a great heart, son', ‘heartless’
comment Василевич 1958, 557; Болдрев 2000, II, 380
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Polysemy
language Farsi
lexeme دل del
meaning 1 stomach, guts دلم درد میکند del-am dard mikonad
I have a stomach ache
meaning 2 heart, soul, thought, mind با دل و جان bā del va jān
with heart and soul
reference Rubinčik 1970: 648
comment ПРС 360. Примеров бы выписать...
ACCEPTED Realization 8
type Polysemy
language Gagauz
lexeme ürek
meaning 1 abdomen, stomach ÿрек аарысы
stomach ache
meaning 2 heart, soul ÿреена гöрä
after one's heart
reference Gajdarži et al. 1973: 489
comment The change path is "heart" - "stomach".
NEW Realization 9
type Polysemy
language Guarani
lexeme ñe'ã
meaning 1 abdomen
meaning 2 mind
reference Guasch, Ortiz 1998: 690
ACCEPTED Realization 10
type Polysemy
language Japanese
lexeme hara (腹)
meaning 1 abdomen, belly, stomach
meaning 2 soul 1. хара га ниэру
1. stomach is boiling (person get furious)
comment БЯРС II, 441
NEW Realization 11
type Polysemy
language Kâte
lexeme bu
meaning 1 the thorac ic and ab dominal cavities
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Flierl, Strauss 1977: 52
ACCEPTED Realization 12
type Polysemy
language Kuuk-Thaayorre (Thayore)
lexeme ngeenke
meaning 1 abdomen, belly
meaning 2
comment Gaby 2008, 27 – 44
NEW Realization 13
type Polysemy
language Luobohe Miao
lexeme plàng
meaning 1 abdomen
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference <personally collected data>

Savina F.M. Dictionnaire miao-tseu-français, précédé d'un précis de grammaire miao-tseu et suivi d'un vocabulaire franoaismiao- tseu 132, 142

ACCEPTED Realization 14
type Derivation
language Manchu
lexeme 1 хэфэл’эн
lexeme 2 хэфал’э-мби
meaning 1 belly, paunch
meaning 2 I gird myself; I conceal, I have in mind, in the heart, in the memory, I think, I nourish an intention, thought, anger, I sympathize with smn
comment Захаров 1875, 416.
ACCEPTED Realization 15
type Polysemy
language Mandarin Chinese
lexeme 腹 (fù)
meaning 1 stomach, belly, abdomen 腹痛 / fùtòng
stomach ache
meaning 2 soul 腹诽 / fùfēi
not to approve in one's heart
reference BKRS: 10747
ACCEPTED Realization 16
type Polysemy
language Melpa
lexeme kitim
meaning 1 stomach, abdomen
meaning 2 seat of emotion kitim kai ‘счастливый’, букв. ‘хороший живот’, kitim kit ‘печальный’, букв. ‘плохой живот’, kitim ralg ‘колеблющийся, сомневающийся’, букв. ‘два живота’
‘to ask one's conscience’, lit. ‘to ask one's stomach’
comment Mercado L. 1988, 110-111 quoted from Беликов 1998, 93
ACCEPTED Realization 17
type Polysemy
language Rapanui
lexeme manava
meaning 1 stomach, abdomen
meaning 2 manava more ‘горе, печаль’, manava mate ‘влюбленный’, ku-ká-á te manava ‘разгневанный, взбешенный’, he-kava te manava ‘озлобленный’,
‘person who in trouble stays calm and controls his or her behaviour and emotions', lit. ‘piece of stomach’
comment Englert
NEW Realization 18
type Polysemy
language Sursurunga
lexeme bál
meaning 1 his abdomen
meaning 2 seat of emotions
reference Hutchisson and Hutchisson: 149
ACCEPTED Realization 19
type Polysemy
language Tahitian
lexeme ‘ā‘au
meaning 1 intestins, boyaux
meaning 2 coeur, ta‘ata ‘ā‘au maita‘i ‘добрый человек’, ta‘ata ‘ā‘au ‘ino ‘недоброжелатель’ [Lemaître,26], ha‘aputapū i te ‘ā‘au ‘тронуть ‘ā‘au’ [Lemaître,53], ‘ā‘au mā ‘чистый ‘ā‘au’ [Lemaître,66], te pōpou nei tō‘u ‘ā‘au ‘мой ‘ā‘au радуется’ [Lemaître,98],
‘he (lit. his ‘ā‘au) was excited expecting these joyful words’ [Lemaître, 101]
comment Lemaître Y. Lexique de Tahitien contemporain. Paris. 1995
ACCEPTED Realization 20
type Polysemy
language Toc Pisin
lexeme bel
meaning 1 stomach, abdomen
meaning 2 seat of emotion bel gut ‘счастливый’, букв. ‘хороший живот’, bel nogut ‘печальный’, букв. ‘плохой живот’, tu bel ‘колеблющийся, сомневающийся’, букв. ‘два живота’
‘ask one's conscience’, lit. ‘ask one's stomach’, bel klin ‘sincere’ lit. ‘clean stomach’, bel I hat ‘angry, hot-tempered‘, lit. ’hot stomach’
comment Mercado L. 1988, 110-111 quoted from Беликов 1998, 93
ACCEPTED Realization 21
type Polysemy
language Tundra Yukaghir
lexeme ньиҥиэ
meaning 1 stomach, abdomen
meaning 2 mood ньиҥиэ мэ лохнэй ‘настроение его приподнятое’, мэт эньиэ энгэнэҥ ньиҥиэги кэруойил, таатльэр ураалинь эл кэвэй-морийэнг ‘настроение часто падает у моей матери, поэтому учиться не поеду’
comment ньиҥиэвэрвии- ‘to be sad, to grief, to worry’
NEW Realization 22
type Polysemy
language Tunebo (Uwa)
lexeme urá
meaning 1 abdomen
meaning 2 mind
reference Headland 1997: 213-214
ACCEPTED Realization 23
type Polysemy
language Udmurt
lexeme кöт
meaning 1 stomach, abdomen
meaning 2 location of emotions кöт каньыл луыны ‘становится легче на душе’, кöт бöрдэ ’переживать’ (букв. ‘живот плачет’), кöт куректэ ‘переживать’ (букв. ‘живот жжет’), кöтэ кельше ‘прийтись по вкусу’ (букв. ‘в живот нравиться’)
reference Kirillova 2008: 330
comment Бусыгина 2009.
NEW Realization 24
type Polysemy
language Wantoat
lexeme bänipma
meaning 1 abdomen
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Davis, Dangepnana 2012: 23
NEW Realization 25
type Polysemy
language Wantoat
lexeme musiä
meaning 1 abdomen
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Davis, Dangepnana 2012: 89
NEW Realization 26
type Polysemy
language Yir Yoront
lexeme ngerr
meaning 1 belly, stomach, abdomen
meaning 2 seat of emotions
reference Alpher 1991: 357-358